Unable to het trial version

  1. Wifi from fiber optic
  2. Im used to swicth on sometimes

Is this a dedicated separate WiFi router or is this integrated with the fiber modem?

using WIFI extender…is it a modem?

If you’re using an extender I assume the core WiFi is provided by the modem.

Here’s what I suggest you try.

Modify your network settings in Windows to manually add a different DNS entry to see if that resolves the issue.

Follow this guide:
How to change DNS settings on your PC running Windows 10 | Windows Central

Then recheck whether or not you can connect to the server in powershell:

Test-NetConnection api.cryptlex.com -p 443

Make sure all firewall and AV is off.

already modify the network as per guide
already off AV and firewall

Can you rerun the test? You’re missing part of the command. Make sure you copy the whole command.

The DNS entry didn’t work.

Can you take a screenshot of the changes you made?

Can you run this in a terminal and return output:

ipconfig /all

Not sure what’s up.

Can you run this in Terminal and return output?

nslookup api.cryptlex.com

PS C:\Users\User> nslookup api.cryptlex.com
Server: dns.google

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: api.cryptlex.com

PS C:\Users\User>

That’s confusing. That seems to be working as I’d expect.

Can you try rerunning this:

Test-NetConnection api.cryptlex.com -p 443

PS C:\Users\User> Test-NetConnection api.cryptlex.com -p 443 WARNING: TCP connect to ( : 443) failed
ComputerName : api.cryptlex.com
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 443
InterfaceAlias : Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
SourceAddress :
PingSucceeded : True
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded : False

PS C:\Users\User>

That’s really interesting. For some reason the nslookup is using the correct DNS and indicating the correct remote IP. But for some reason this test doesn’t use that.

Try one thing. What happens if you run this?

Test-NetConnection -p 443

I already disable the firewall and AV

That’s interesting. So that’s working fine. So seems issue may just be DNS resolution.

Can you run this in powershell and return results?

Resolve-DnsName -name api.cryptlex.com

Also this:
