Do you also have a wired ethernet connection or are you WiFi only?
Can you run this command again?
ipconfig /all
Do you also have a wired ethernet connection or are you WiFi only?
Can you run this command again?
ipconfig /all
Okay. Wanted to confirm that you changed your DNS servers back which it looks like you did. That means that the DNS resolution thing likely isnât about the DNS configuration itself. But not sure whatâs causing the issue.
We can try to brute-force this.
Can run this in Terminal and return results:
type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
What is the risk of doing this?
Risk in the command? None. Right now I want to make sure you have nothing in the file as thatâs default. Itâs possible something has been tampering with it but not sure.
Risk if things are changed to it? Youâd be hard-coding the relationship of domain name to IP address so wouldnât go through DNS. So if IP changed, youâd have to manually change the entry here. Iâm not convinced at this point that this will work as root cause is not determined.
That explains everything.
Do you have any idea how those entries got there?
Remove them and then try enabling the trial.
How do i remove the entries?
To remove them, type this command:
del C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Since the only entries in that file are LightBurn related, it is harmless to do this.
I feel that itâs worth saying that this is very strange, and is something that a cracked version of LightBurn would set up to prevent the software from contacting the update or license systems.
Iâm not accusing you of anything, but saying for others who might be reading this, cracked copies of LightBurn rarely work properly because we have a number of things built in to the software to detect cracks and make subtle changes to the behavior of the program, preventing it from working.
If you then try to install the real version of LightBurn, and the crack has added commands to your system to prevent the software from contacting the license system, it would mean youâd never be able to use the software properly, unless you had someone as patient as PY here to guide you through to removing that.
It finally worked. Thank you for your help by the lightburn. Iâm sorry for the trouble before. Hope it will be a guide for others who are facing the same problem. I may be interested in purchasing a full license for lightburn after the end of the trial version. Thank you and well done.
Berain is just one of our users, but a very good one. Happy he was able to get you sorted out.
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