Upgrade to 1.7 fail to install

I just went to website and downloaded the new version. I installed it and it told me I needed to restart the computer for changes to take effect. That I did but I still have only the old version of 1.6 showing up. I restarted it a second time still no 1.7
I looked into my program files and it only shows the exe of 1.6

I was understanding if I downloaded it from the website that I would have both version on my computer.
That’s not a big deal but I just don’t have the new version. I am on windows 10.
Not sure what to do. Thanks for any ideas

Hi Tom

Could you try these steps please?

I did get it finally to install it had a com surrogate needed to be closed. It would not close. I went into task manager and to details I found the dllhost.exe and manual stopped it. I then went back and it allowed the upgrade to go through. Thanks for your suggestion.
I was wanting to get it installed before my new laser shows up this week.

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