That looks like an older version of the Mana SE controller. It’s really just an Arduino Nano, so it should be easy to re-flash it with GRBL. I don’t think Benbox is fully GRBL compatible, and LightBurn actually looks for specific response messages from the controller, so even minor differences could cause issues. It might work with the GRBL-M3 device - that would be the most likely option, but I can’t say for sure if that will work.
the pb is not the re flashing, it is the pin compatibility. I’m not sure it is the standard layout.
there is the d11/d12 pb, the function of the 2nd switch …
thank you for your answer
I have a laser nearly identical. I changed to the Keyestudio CNC Grbl .9 board and installed Grbl 1.1 on it. I had a few settings to change. If you do go the Grbl 1.1 route, I may be able to help configure it.
Also, you will benefit from the use of limit switches for homing.