Mac Big Sir Ver 11.5, Orion Moto Tech Red machine with Ruida Controller.
I upgraded to version 1.0 and on my first burn everything went great for about 95% of the burn. Then the machine stopped and sort of locked up. I could hit the “Start/Pause” button on the controller and it would make one more horizontal pass, but then stop. After about 10 hits of the button, I realized that the laser heads alignment was off and I needed to try something else. I re-installed Version 0.9.24 and the rest of my projects completed without a hitch.
My iMac is connected to the laser via a USB.
I’ve uploaded the file that crashed. The machine tripped up at about the 7 min 30 sec mark.
Thank you for the AMAZING software. Usually, upgrades go without a hitch.
Thanks for this update and glad to hear you are up with 9.24. We are working on this, and if willing, there is a version posted in this thread that you can try:
We are trying to collect information and cluster all the related issues together.
I do appreciate the update above, but I have some bad news. I just downloaded and installed LightBurn 1.0.01, built Wed 2021-08-18 @ 12:08, and I had exactly the same problem. I have updated to Mac Big Sir ver 11.5.2.
Does Version 1.0.01 include the patch mentioned in the thread above?
Just posted on the other thread with tech specifics. Ver 1.0.02 WORKED!!! Back a million years ago I used to code, I’m glad you have a passion to dig into the code to find solutions to these things.