Volunteer testers for upcoming 0.9.21 release?

I am unable to reproduce this behavior.

Since, the “LastExportPath”: “D:/Backup04272018/MY Files/Graphics/Temp” works when I export an “.ai” file. Can you review the coding for “export” a file and compare it to the “save and save as” coding.

Is it possible to Skype you to see the problem?

Sign me up Oz if you are still looking for testers. Windows 10 64 bit

Go to Help > Quick help and notes, then look in the About tab. What is your build date / time?
Mine is: LightBurn 0.9.21, built Mon 2021-03-15 @ 17:50

If yours isn’t, you don’t have the most recent one I uploaded.

Please link for Win x64 version

I would love to test the new update I have ortur master 2 windows 64 bit the can’t wait to try the new image adjusting

I now have the latest version and it is looking better.

The problem now is that it won’t let me “save as” to the old .lbn file type unless I manually add the file extension to the file name that I wish to save.

In other words, it won’t let me select the .lbn file extension by selecting the “save as type” from the drop down menu.

It will let me select the “save as type” as a .lbn2 file type. After selecting the .lbn2 file type initially, it will then let me select the .lbn file type from the drop down menu.

That’s not what I see. If I pick the legacy file extension, it remembers it.


I’m game. Windows 7 64 bit. Ruida controller and grbl diode on a 3018 cnc.

Love to check this out and test.

Mac OS please


I would like to give it a go.
I have been using it almost a year, and it works great. And I’m looking for the Danish version.
I run Windows 10 - 64 and MiniGerbil.

Win 7, x64 …all new features working, like it

I am in for testing, Windows x64 version needed.

If you need more people - I would gladly help.

(also, version with clipping would be very useful - Inkscape - split group of paths into two separate groups. Use edge of a shape for split, without object->clip - Graphic Design Stack Exchange )

Linux x64

Would like to help with the testing. How do i go about it getting a link?

Cheers Mitch

I’m happy to test.

MacOS Big Sur 11.1
Aeon Mira 7 with Ruida
Jobs with lots of images

I have purchased both for GRBL and Ruida Licensing, would love to test 0.9.21 Win 10 x64.
Thanks Oz in advance.

I haven’t seen too many responses for Windows 7, so I will offer to test it on Win 7 64bit.

Thanks Oz and the rest of the Lightburn team for all you do.

I would be interested in testing the new version. Ruida controller Windows 10 64 bit I am running 2 lasers from the software if that helps. Tony

Happy to test, currently using with Co2 and Mini GRBL, Win 10 64bit