Wavy lines on angles with rotary engraving with CO2 Laser

I am using an 80watt Qweike LG6040N C02 Laser. And I keep get very wavy lines on angles. The line interval is .065 and have had it down to .001 without and improvement. This only happens when using the rotary as the same thing on flat engraving is perfect. I contacted the manufacturer who doesn’t know lightburn and are staying on their opinion that it’s software related which they apparently don’t know since it’s lightburn. The photos are comparing the rotary engraving to a flat one. I do not care about the black lines because I can get rid of them.

Everything on the machine i tight and lubricated, and the mirrors are aligned.

What type of rotary? I assume Roller?
interval set in mm? inch? or what?

I would say it’s a rotary or settings issue.
possibly slippage if using roller rotary, and looking at the letters not lining up I would say your work piece is also not set level.

DPI doesn’t want to be to small, or you are going over and over the same area again and again. imagian cutting a 5mm wide slot (your image) with a 2mm wide saw (laser) but only moving the saw 1mm across each time (interval) you will be cutting over the same place by 1mm each time…pointless. Same goes with the laser, going over the same area many times is 0.01.

I am actually using a chuck rotary and the letters do line up. It’s a vertical word, done multiple times for testing. So the name I am engraving is JAYE. On this one I was using a bunch of different intervals from .1 all the way down to .001 just to see if it would make a difference and nothing did. I even used .04 and .065

Have you tried this on the manufacturer’s recommended software since they’re giving you grief about it? Would be nice to rule out software as a factor in this.

I am now totally convinced it’s their cheap roller because I can actually see it jerk back and forth. I just did one on their software and it does the same thing, I made a video and sent them. I bought 2 of their rollers and both are absolute junk, lose and not straight. I don’t think they made them because they have good build quality in their other stuff. I order a nice more expensive cloudray one and will see what that will do.

Well… movement in the rotary would certainly do it. Are you able to tell if it’s purely mechanical or if the movement is coming from the stepper? I’m curious what the manufacturer comes back with.

Are you able to share a picture of the rotary itself. Would be nice to know what to avoid.

This is the one I bought from Amazon, it’s a Cloudray one but you can see the build quality is miles ahead. Also twice as expensive. But I don’t have it yet

Does your original one have any branding or identification on it?

It has nothing

Thanks for checking. When does your new rotary get in? Would be nice to see how this concludes.

The cloudray one is spot on, I have both their roller and chuck version. Buy from Aliexpress in 1/3 the price of Amazon / ebay

Unfortunately not till the end of Dec

Thanks. AliExpress take way too long to get. Few months. Might do the chuck roller from them

Mine took 10 days. Im in UK, maybe different for you `/

I’m just wondering, do you have the 2 phase or the 3 phase. My machine has the 2 phase leadshine stepper motor. Wonder if it’s accurate for engraving, really doesn’t have anything to do with torque as it’s basically just light tumblers.
I cancelled my amazon and bought cheaper from aliexpress because the projected ETA is faster on AliExpress. Maybe cause it’s a credible seller they’ll airfreight it sooner.

What did you end up paying on alexpress? I did a search earlier and the shipping was like $120 from one of the sellers which surprised me.

I did pay 205 and 155 shipping but still over $100 less than Amazon

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Hey, is this the model that you got? Saw on Amazon for $315 - $20 coupon. Prime delivery in 2 days. Looks the same as the picture you posted.

Are you in the US?

No, Canada, that would explain your cheap prices and faster shipping :slightly_smiling_face: