Try this:
- Shutdown LightBurn
- Open Task Manager and make sure no LightBurn tasks are running
- Start LightBurn
- Make sure the right device profile is selected in Laser window. Then complete camera alignment.
- Once completed, restart LightBurn
- Check Overlay
What are the results?
For the Red Crosshair I found these results with a search:
For the Artisan use the following;
Crosshair On; M2000 L13 P1
Crosshair Off; M2000 L13 P0For the Snapmaker use the following;
Crosshair On: M2002 T3 P1
Crosshair Off: M2002 T3 P0
For the fire button, try increasing the power even more. Does it ever turn on? Check Edit->Device Settings. What is S Value Max?