Webcam Kalibrierung geht nicht, Overlay funtioniert nicht (Camera calibration doesn't work, overlay doesn't work)

Try this:

  1. Shutdown LightBurn
  2. Open Task Manager and make sure no LightBurn tasks are running
  3. Start LightBurn
  4. Make sure the right device profile is selected in Laser window. Then complete camera alignment.
  5. Once completed, restart LightBurn
  6. Check Overlay

What are the results?

For the Red Crosshair I found these results with a search:

For the Artisan use the following;

Crosshair On; M2000 L13 P1
Crosshair Off; M2000 L13 P0

For the Snapmaker use the following;

Crosshair On: M2002 T3 P1
Crosshair Off: M2002 T3 P0

For the fire button, try increasing the power even more. Does it ever turn on? Check Edit->Device Settings. What is S Value Max?