Weird precision issues when cutting lines


I’m having a few issues when cutting with my Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro (latest firmware).
The file I used in this instance was created with the tracing function, but I’ve encountered similar issues with other vector files. As you can see in the images the lines are either not connecting properly and in the other case there should be a straight corner. The thing is that it always goes wrong at the same spot (also same location when cut at half the scale).
My speed is only 90mm/m, so that shouldn’t be an issue. The belt are as far as I can tell properly tightened, but to be honest I doubt that is the problem. In another vector file I had drawn half a heart and then mirrored it to make a full one. One side would be going wrong with the other not having a single inprecision. Also the problem occured exactly at the same place on repeated attempt.

Can anyone shed a light on what can be causing this?

Can you upload the .lbrn file for review?


hart 29cm_backup.lbrn2 (100.5 KB)

I was expecting to see a lead-in or something else in the design but I don’t see anything going on there.

I think what might be happening is that your laser head is not well secured to the gantry. If you push/pull the laser head can you feel it wiggling? If so, use the eccentric nuts behind the wheels to remove any gap between the wheels and rails of the gantry. Do this for all wheels on the laser assembly.

This might also be from a loose lens but I suggest checking for looseness of the laser assembly first.

The laserhead and gantry don’t seem to have any wiggling. Also not really expecting that be an issue with the low speed I am using. The engraving part has zero issues on higher speeds with it skipping empty parts on 10000mm/m, but I do realize that that is line scanning and not actual vectors. As I said I have the same issue when I use the file on half the size and the problems exist on the exact same spots.

The issue is almost certainly mechanical in any case. If you check the Preview you can see that the issue is present on the start of the cut. Likely due to a change in direction. The laser is firing before the head has had a chance to settle down from the acceleration.

Look for anything that could be mechanically shifting during acceleration.

This could also be backlash but I don’t really see other telltale signs of this. You could engrave a circle to see if the ends meet to confirm.

Have you done any modifications to your laser? Something that might have added mass or increased distances?

I did add an air assist, due to having issues with proper cutting (other plywood solved this as well), but before I did that I lasered the design on cardboard, so no modifications, and it had the same issue.
Gonna try the circle as well in a moment as I’m trying now with cut optimizations off.

Other test you could try is horizontal scan and vertical scan test with a fill with large line interval (> 1mm) so that you can see if you can reproduce the issue. It would likely show as squiggly line or slanted line at the start of each horizontal line. I suspect you won’t see much of an issue with the vertical but not certain.

The problem has been solved. I did another round of belt tightening. Although I’m not certain what the precise issue was, it could have been uneven tension on the Y belts. Tightening the belt on the gantry did nothing. The problem only arose when both axis where involved. On the photo, upper one previous state and below with everything working as intended.

Very happy with the precision and results now.

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