Weird things with rotary

Hello, i have a ruida co2 laser and a rotary tool with rolls.
In lightburn when i want a preview of my drawing, it draws all the items on the screen, not only the ones inside the working area… and if I want to burn it, I got the magical “frame slop error” on rudia screen. This is the same whatever coordinates we chooose. The only solution I found is to move all the items outside the working area on a tool color layer.
in addition, i have setup exactly the diameter of my rolls, and when I want to check my number of steps (with the “test” button), i got a result, I change my file but not my settings and it changes (ie 6000 for the first try, and 7500 for the second)…

If this is a roller rotary, it setup is relatively straight forward.

If the machine is booted with a rotary there is no home position for the machine. How are you powering it up with a rotary?

The Ruida doesn’t really care about a rotary or not… the same machine limits exist.

Might try checking this in the device settings.

If you continue to have issues, sing out.


That’s cured by turning on Cut selected graphics in the Laser window, then selecting only the things you want to engrave:

thank you so much for this knowledgeable answer. But the step calculation is far from me as I cannot find any coef in the rotary doc. In any case, i perform a trrial an error ethod, i mean i know the perimeter of my piece and i adjust the step per rotation until i have a coincidence between my starting and ending points. now i have 10600… why it’s not the same than yesterday, who knows? for the item outside, the check box works well. Just a precision the outside area items pb occurs only if the laser is plugged and working to the computer

These systems are digital. By guessing about settings, you will always be messing around with them instead of using them.

There is a standard way to set these up that works, as I posted. With a roller rotary, there is no need to use circumference, unless you want a tool layer for guidance

If you don’t know the ratio, then count the teeth of each pulley.

Unless you set it up correctly, you will always have weird things happening.

Good luck


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well, may be i’m wrong, but when you want an image/vector to be perfectly distributed around your piece, circonference matter. is there another way than setting the circonference as lenght for your artwork, then run a serie of trial and error to determine the step number that allows continuity to happen for THIS PARTICULAR diameter.

well well, in fact i’m wrong. for a 67mm diameter weel/roll 1 turn will be 210.5mm long, and whatever diameter you put on tis will it will turn of 210.5mm. Now i have to find why the step number change each time to achieve my goal. I will try to count the teeth…

The motor driver tells you the number of steps of the motor rotation. You can then multiply it by the ratio to determine the value for steps/rotation.

A ratio may have to be computed if the manufacturer does not advise you.

The reason circumference doesn’t matter is that the roller driving the object isn’t dependent on circumference. It just needs to move the surface area so much. Once setup the only real use of circumference is to use it as a tool layer so you can arrange your graphics.

Only a chuck type rotary needs the circumference as part of it’s computations.


Circumference matters if you want a full wrap, but with roller just like chuck that is a function of your artwork. I think that is where @Quasar was going a couple posts back.
100% one needs to know the math and concept of the rotary mechanics or one will spend more time screwing around then anything.