Hi, I updated from 0.9 today to the latest and can weld 2 shapes at a time, but I used to be able to select all text to be welded and do it at once(the weld tool is ok for most of the text, but the font we use we have to overlap the capital letter ourselves).
If you find something that doesn’t give you the option to weld, post it here so we can have a look. I can just about guarantee you that one or more of the shapes aren’t closed.
For what it’s worth, “Closed” means a single, continuous loop. We very often see shapes made of disconnected lines that have been grouped together, but not actually connected to each other.
When I have a font where the first character is not close enough to overlap the next, I break this into two distinct text objects and nudge then together as shown below,
Thats what I do and thats where the problem was starting. If I highlighted just 1 word it will weld but if I select all of them it doesn’t. It worked fine before the upgrade. Is a lightburn or dxf best to send over?
There are two different “weld” options here, one is a Text option (RalphU is showing this in the image they posted above), the other is one of the Boolean tools, used for any shape. The key is understanding how they work and why, so you get the look you are after. This should assist, Redirecting.... And the video below is also worth review.
Sorry, I use Ctrl+W. I’ve been doing it the same way since the beginning(80k names at a rough guess) its just since this update its hit and miss with certain name lists.
Please post the LBRN file you’re working with so we can have a look. I can practically guarantee you that there’s something in the font or file that isn’t a closed shape.
If you do an Edit->Select open shapes you can see that there are portions of “Andy” and “Will” that are open shapes. Fix those and weld should work without issue.
I don’t know what to make of this. Can you try downloading the file from the site and checking again? I can’t imagine this would be system dependent.
Are you pasting from another source and pasting as text?
Not certain but it’s likely somewhere between the offset and movement where something is getting broken. Would be hard to tell for sure unless you could identify a reproducible case.