What is the cause for this? Help needed, problem since 5 Months now

No they didnt mention anything that they want the old tube back but i already know what im doing with it.

Something like that, but i will hang it on the wall for decoration with some leds inside. :smiley:


Thats how it should be! and when the power is switched on, it should sound just like in a high-voltage transformer house and a bright beam comes out from the front…lovely :wink:

…otoh - half a year I think I will have it lying around as a reserve, besides the “thickness” of the line in far north, it can be used in an emergency.

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Hi Stefan,
Just seen your request … Check the following :

  1. Make sure the laser is properly level and not so to say “twisted” from one side to another. To check this you should need to use pilot (Red) laser dot. Take the head to the front left corner and place a piece of masking tape infront of the head mirror (just before it bends the beam vertically) and precisely mark where the red beam hits by a fine ink marker. Then move the head to the front right corner. the beam should remain in the same precise position, then take the head to the back left hand side, check if the beam is still in the same position and then take the head to the back right hand side. At all times the position of the red laser beam should remain in the same position, if not you will need to level machine.
  2. Make sure that the bed is paralell to the laser head. to do this take the head to all 4 corners and check that the distance from under the head to the bed surface is identical, If not the bed needs to be adjusted.
    These are the 2 problems that I can see with your setup, as at one point your laser looks to be working perfectly fine.
    Check these and let us know your outcome.

Any update here. Same
Machine and same tube with close to same
Issue. Way more power on left of machine than right. They won’t warranty my tube tho.

Did you test the tube for it’s mode? Replace it?
