What is the cause for this? Help needed, problem since 5 Months now

Maybe its different with mine, but i dont know. One in a facebook group posted my photo with that drawing and said i can take the lens completely out.

That would be awesome so i would just have to get a new one and see if it gets better rather than to buy a new one for 500$. :sweat_smile:


This tool is from Cloud Ray, but Iā€™m sure you can find them around. Itā€™s also for a C series tube, but for a smaller tube, itā€™s a smaller toolā€¦ works for the lenses and mirrorsā€¦

Get the right diameter for your tube.


Yeah, i have some tools at home so it should not be a problem to open it. Now i just have to find the right lense for it :see_no_evil:

Iā€™ve used snap ring pliers to remove mirrors. Tough to use them when the lens is deep in the tube.

Good luck


Thats true, i have some tools to open it but i would have to remove mirror 1 to get it done or i have ro get the tube out, what do you thinl is the better option? I have to realign it again for sure but maybe its less work if i get the tube out than to remove mirror 1. :thinking:

Usually the tube slides down and outā€¦ Itā€™s a squeeze type ring or just a threaded tube.

This should not effect your focus.

I swap mine in and out whenever I need to and I donā€™t re-align anything. I have a different kind of head now, but I had one like your also, Iā€™m pretty sure.

This is a design from Russ Sadlerā€¦


I think that lady in facebook and you are talking about something else as i. :sweat_smile:

Im talking about the Co2 Lasertube and not the tube in the head. So now i dont know again if i could replace it or not. I thought the lady knows what she was talking about but after reading her comment again i saw that she probably is also talking about the tube in the head. :sweat_smile:

Thats what i am talking about, look at the photo. :see_no_evil:

I donā€™t know about changing that out. If thatā€™s the mirror, it might be the exit holeā€¦?

I canā€™t help you here ā€¦ Iā€™ll hang around, someone must have dealt with one like yoursā€¦


The design of that tube is begging to be opened. If itā€™s not meant to be removed they are sure asking for trouble.

Whatā€™s the maker of the tube? Perhaps thereā€™s some literature on this.

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ā€¦itā€™s this ā€œsemi-transparentā€ mirror in the tube itself I meant :wink:

I found this one from Cloudray, itā€™s a different color butā€¦
As I read their description, it is a protective lens. It sounds plausible to me, the mirror itself is probably also ā€œweldedā€ into the glass body itself.
I want to buy one (which fits the respective tube) and forget all about errors and contamination on the old one.

You donā€™t seem to want to accept any help that is being offered by saying you know it is perfect. I suggest you use some of the help already offered and quit acting so proud! It has to be one of the things that gas been discussed.

Sry that it seems that i dont accept any help but thats not true, i had posted that problem already 4 months ago in every Facebook laser group i know and did those things already 4 months ago and also spend 4hours every day last week to do it all again and check all those points again so i dont know what you want from me? Should i do the same stuff 10 times again if i already did it over 5 times and it did not help or get better?

It is nothing that has been discussed and i found the problem myself and so far no one suggested to look into the lense that is inside the co2 laser tube, thats where i found a damage and if all the other things didnt help to get rid of the problem i know am very sure that the damage of the lense of the Co2 laser tube was or is the cause for my problem.

So please dont tell me i should quit acting proud its not any help at all.

I appreciate everyone that was or is trying to help me with that problem but you dont wanna know how much i got the same response in soo many laser group that it has to be the focus or such stuff when i already explained them that it is no focus problem, i even posted pics where i did a ramp test in the bad and good corner so they see it themself that the focus is and was not the problem.

I accept help if it helps me but when i know that some tips people give me are not the cause of my problem because i checked that so many times before and i tell them that they should believe it and think of other stuff that could cause it.

And everyone was kind and helpful here so i dont know what your problem is?

That you have found the source of the error in the end (hopefully) is fine and certainly also part of the troubleshooting process you/we have gone through here and elsewhere, thatā€™s how it should be.
Did you order the new end cap with ā€œfilterā€ or at least unscrew the old one to inspect it? - it is certainly interesting to many here.

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I dont know if that filter will fit on that tube but i will check it out if i can unscrew something when i get the new one and replace the old one. :blush:

I will let you know if everything works fine again after replacing it. :blush:

I beg to differā€¦ I stated at the beginning that the optical path has to be clean and alignedā€¦ simple fact is, it wasnā€™tā€¦ your complaint that everyone stated it looked like it was out of focusā€¦ makes perfect sense.

I also mentioned that the output of your tube did not look right.

If your laser did that to the protective lensā€¦ makes me wonder if there arenā€™t other issues that caused that in the first place. What itā€™s protecting is what damaged it? Doesnā€™t sound right.

You need to eyeball the complete path when you start having issues with power/focus or just plain bad operation.

Most people donā€™t have tubes with metal endsā€¦ these are higher cost tubesā€¦ which eliminates many people.

None of us know what you have for a machine, tube or anything else, itā€™s up to you to follow thought checking, including areas that may not exist on one of the people machines that answered youā€¦

In the end you found an issue. I hope thatā€™s the fixā€¦

Get a replacement and let us know of your success and weā€™ll all be happyā€¦ the main idea is to get you back up and operatingā€¦ relax, have a cup of coffeeā€¦ :rofl:

We really are here to help if we canā€¦

Good luck


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Iā€™m seeing a fair and reasonable exchange of ideas and diagnostic processes here. Iā€™m offering an informal reminder to Play nice. Please keep the forum content kind, technical and accurate.

ā€œHas toā€, is a bold assertion. It seems that discovery is still in play here and the writing is not yet complete.

Either is possible, but until it is confirmed itā€™s hypothetical. I look forward to learning more. I have a sense that confirming TEM00 without pristine optics may present a challenge.

I have asked the other user to Play nice. Itā€™s the most stern unofficial warning I can offer.

If you feel that any post from another community member is unkind or unfair, please donā€™t respond to it. Thereā€™s a flagging system for posts that invite moderators to have a look and rest assured, we will look.

We are sharing your investigation and discovery. I would attempt to clean the tube exit optics before attempting to remove them - or engage the manufacturer before attempting to remove them.

@JoeSpanier had a white mineral deposit on the metal end of his 130W laser tube and the ā€œorifice lens was smokedā€. Iā€™m inviting his comments on his experiences with orifice end optics.

Thanks guys for taking the time responding and helping me with my problem.

I have an Omtech 100W Laser and the Co2 Tube that i have is the YongLi H4 100W tube.

I was in contact with the tech support from Omtech and its been over a year that i bought the machine so its out of the 1 year warranty but i have that problem since a few months so i could show them some Screenshots that i asked for help because i have that problem after 11 months of my purchase in an omtech laser group on facebook.

They were really kind and supportive and they were in contact with the laser tube manufacturer about the lense if it can be replaced but it cant so i have to get a new tube.

They were so nice to arrange a new 100W tube for me and it should already be on the way to me, they mentioned it will take 3 to 7 business days until i will receive the new tube. Really awesome support i have to say.

When i get the new tube i will install it and then hopefully the laser will work fine again.
I will let you guys know and write an update when it is replaced.

Wish you all a nice week and thank again for taking the time helping me. :hugs:

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:+1: This is the Omtech service as I know it. Do you need to send the old tube back?
However, I am surprised that they have not asked you to peel off the protective lens to see if it is the one that is defective.

The damage to the protective lens must be from a tube malfunction or manufacturing problemā€¦

Nothing else hits that area, so I would attribute itā€™s damage to the tubeā€¦

Doubt they want the tube backā€¦ if not, Iā€™d take it out and see what happensā€¦ :thinking:

I have my old burnt out tube on the shelf with the rest of my tube collectionā€¦ :rofl:


Normally they donā€™t want the defective tubes back, so it has to be for ā€œresearchā€ or internal quality control if they want it back.
But for the research urge that is probably in all of us crazy laser people ;-), I want it unscrewed immediatelyā€¦
btw, I also have a rocket lying around and canā€™t be bothered to throw it awayā€¦maybe fill up the inner spiral with neon, phosphorus or plutonium to make a nice lampā€¦ :thinking: :fire_engine: :ambulance: :fire_engine: