WIP WeCreat camera (unofficial)

Check out the WeBurn repo for the camera update! (here’s the post about it in this forum)

I’m using pyvirtualcam to make the frames available to LightBurn via a webcam - for windows, linux or mac, the docs say you can use OBS Studio (haven’t tried it - using v4l2loopback).

For linux users – if you have a recent python3 and v4l2loopback installed, you can just
cd camera/
and run
./setup.sh .
This will generate a venv and install the requirements.

After that, just
cd ..

Edit environment vars that are set in ./weburn-bridge.sh and then run

YMMV but feel free to try it out!
Remember to check out the weburn documentation - especially start and end gcode mods (don’t worry, it’s a trivial change)