Won't home correctly

When i click on “Home” in LB my module goes to the middle of the machine and stops there. If i click on “Home” a number of times it eventually moves to the left corner.
It does this intermittently.
Any advice?

Try this…

Open the Console window and turn on Show all. Then enter $H in the Console text input box. Report back what shows in the window when it tries to Home in the center of the workspace.

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Here is the message:

I was hoping someone would jump in and explain what the numbers mean. I was expecting something that included X and Y numbers or values.

That said, Lightburn (and you) send the command to Home to the controller. After that, the computer operating system and Lightburn are out of the picture.

That only leaves the controller. If tou tell it to Home and it goes off somewhere else sometimes, that indicates a defective controller.

I appreciate your help.
When i check on the Move tab in LB it shows the X and Y co-ordinates as 0.
When i click on the left arrow button to move the module to the left bottom corner the X changes to x: -187.00 or -151.00. It depends on where it home first.


  1. Trolley and gantry rapid move towards the switches.
  2. When the switches are hit, the machine will stop and reverse.
  3. The machine will pull off the switches slowly until the switches open.
  4. The machine will reverse back onto the switches very slowly until the switches close.
  5. The machine will reverse and pull off the switches slowly until they open.
  6. The controller establishes this as the Home position. It is usually shown as something very close to 0,0 as the position if the controller is set for the first quadrant. If it shows large numbers, this can be changed with the G10 command.

There is no other version of the Home cycle. If you have limit switches, this is how it should work.

If you do not have limit switches, where it powers up is the Origin. Home is a machine mechanical function. Origin is a software design position. They are not the same thing.