X and Y axis Not working

So here is the old driver, the DM545A, that show the unaltered switches.

Here is the new, I matched the switch positions. But I don’t think its correct.

How did you set the switches for the new one? They are different…


I matched them to the old one, which is incorrect because I have zero clue what to switch them to.

Looking at the table on the side and matching the switch positions:

SW1-SW3 = OFF ON OFF = 3.5 A peak

SW4 = ON = Full Current when stopped

SW5-SW8 = OFF OFF ON OFF = 5000 pulse/rev = 5000 step/rev

The M542ES is Close Enough™ to work with the same switch settings.

The tables shows it produces 3.31 A peak current, rather than 3.5 A, with the same SW1-SW3 settings. You’ll never notice any difference.

SW4 = ON remains the same to select Full Current when stopped.

Contrary to what I thought, SW5-SW8 select the same step/rev values as the old controller. They are both set for 5000 step/rev.

I expected the new driver might have a different table, so that the same switch settings selected 2500 step/rev, thus driving the X axis motor twice as far for the same number of pulses. However, that is not what is going on.

Two other errors are possible, because I’ve made them: set the switches upside-down or backwards .

With the tables on the stepper driver facing left (as in your picture of the DM545A) and looking straight into the switches, SW1 is on the bottom and SW8 is on the top. The white switch handles are OFF when they’re left (toward the tables) and ON when they’re right (toward the finned heatsink).

Getting it upside-down or backwards is very easy when you’re standing on your head inside the electronics bay. :grin:

Take a picture of the switch positions on the new driver to show us they’re set the way you think they are.

Most likely, you have the switches set correctly, but then we’ll all know that’s not the problem.

Which means we must find another reason why the framing is twice the size it should be. If it’s a factor of 2.54, which is close to “twice”, then (as Jack suggests) suspicion falls on the old inch-vs-millimeter gotcha.

I ended up having a few switches going in the wrong direction. So I fixed them and I framed the project and it looked good! Thank you guys!!! I will test tonight!

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Tah dah!

For the record, you are now well beyond “by no means even close to an electrician” and entering “I’ve made that mistake before” territory.

Welcome to the neighborhood!


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