Anyone have links to usable xmas ornaments? I just really lack artistic creativity. I’m a CAD designer and I understand lightburn but I dont have the artsy touch. I’d like to make some things for the kids and family but I’m striking out.
I’ve searched Google and saw some things on Etsy and similar sites that’s pretty nice. I dont see any harm in asking here either. Often times users in forums have links to good sites that may not be shown on the first couple pages of Google searches.
And I set my browser to filter to Black and White images only. There are thousand to choose from. One can even include bitmap images and use the ‘Trace Image’ feature in LightBurn to generate your own vector from an image you like.
A quick example of an image found on google, copied and pasted into LightBurn, then ‘Trace Image’ to create vectors, then deleted original image. (honestly, spent more time making this post)
You might want to take a look at GrabCAD, Thingiverse, or any one of the other usual suspects “free” design sites for some inspiration. There is a ton of stuff out there.