Xtool S1 can't focus properly after firmware update

Hello to everyone there,

Just yesterday, while I was working on XCS (for my first time - the last two years I’ve neen working on Lightburn) with the xTool S1 with the infrared module (for first time once again), a pop-up window came up for updating the S1 with a new firmware. I did it and everything worked perfect since I transfered the job to Lightburn and then realised that the focus mode is not working properly. When I give the command to the machine to focus in the center of the red crosshair (as it did it before), instead of that, it’s just focusing in the same place where the laser module is. With simple words, it’s just going down vertically, so it can’t focus on the material (something that I can do it manualy), but outside of it. I need your lights/help, please.


I guess they just made a firmware change. And I guess there is not much you can do about it. If they change the way the laser behaves, LB can try to catch up with those changes (if they are communicated), that’s all. xTools communication is usually bad, so don’t expect a solution soon. (If it’s not just a single command that has changed).
So as usual - if you buy an xTool, use XCS. If you prefer LightBurn, don’t by xTool :slight_smile:


Just move the laser head over the material before focusing.

Thank you very much Melvin for your interest and rapid response to my problem. I agree hundred percent on what you have said. I’'ll wait from LB’s side to catch up with, moreover, it’s not the big deal at the moment. It’s something I can deal with the manual way.

Anyway, thanks again for your help.

Have a good day

Hello Joe,

Thank you very much for your advise. This is what I do since the problem appeared.

Have a great day.

So as usual - if you buy an xTool, use XCS. If you prefer LightBurn, don’t by xTool :slight_smile:

For the record, we don’t want this to be the case. But we have been provided zero information about this change. If xTool cared to alert us (or give us information) about the changes, they would reach out to us via the official channels we have set up.


Hey Thaddeus,

If you are not using the new xTool Protocol we added in 1.7, this is how it has always worked. If you are using the .lbdev file provided by xTool on their website, which uses a macro button for focusing, it just calls an M-Code that does a straight probe wherever the head is. You can add the XY move ahead of that call if you would like.

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Hi Colin,

You’re completely right on what you’re saying. Probably I agree 99% with Melvin and not 100%. As I said, I’ve been using LB the last two years and I’m very happy and satisfied to work and create with, and every time it announces a new upgrade like now with the 2.00 version, I can’t hide my happiness. I entered the laser world with xTool D1 pro and having upgraded to the xTool S1 now, came the fulfillment of the time to use XCS which of course has its pros and cons.

Anyway. LB keep the good job. We love you and support you.

Have a very blessed and creative day.

Hello Joe,

No, I’m not using the new xTool protocol, but the .lbdev file provided by xTool. What do you mean by your last sentence “add the XY move ahead”???

Thank you in advance.

Since you are using xTool’s Device Configuration file, you are using this “DETECT” macro for focus.
What he’s suggesting is to edit this macro to first move to the center and then focus.

You would right-click on the macro in the Console window to edit it so that it first moves to the center and then executes the focus code (M368).

This G0 X254 Y195 should work but someone might need to confirm this.

BUT!: If you follow Joe’s instructions here, it uses our new xTool device profile, allowing you to focus by clicking “Focus Z” in the Laser window.

Hello Aaron,

I tried both of the suggestions and both failed. In the first one, the laser module focused too far causing a crash on the material jumping several times on it, something that I wasn’t prepared for something like that and thank God wasn’t damaged. I made some tries to edit the Macro contents but without success.
And, in the second one, the laser module focused close by to the red cross hair (approximately 15mm down-right), so I realised that it may need some more configuration, something that I can’t do it myself. Of course, the other thing is, that I have to move Z most of the times and it’s something that I don’t like it. So I quit at the moment. Overmore, as I mentioned previously, it’s not the big deal.

I would like to thank you both, for one more time for your time, support and interest.

Have a good day.

I have been using Lightburn with the XTool S1 Dev provided by Lightburn. In order to focus I would click the Move tab and then click the Focus Z Button. The laser head would then move and the Focus probe would contact the workpiece exactly where the laser crosshairs were pointing. I just upgraded the S1’s Firmware and the focus still works as described as above. No change.

Hello David.

I did what you said (after the S1 firmware’s update), the focus of course works properly but NOT where the laser crosshair is pointing. That’s the problem which is not the big issue since I can do it manually. Anyway, thank you for your advice and interest.

Have a nice day.

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