Y- axis Rotary Roller


I have a Y- axis Rotary Roller from Ortur.

I´m not sure which motor-steps I have to set up.

Here are settings from the rotary roller:

And these are my settings in LightBurn:

I think my settings are not correct :thinking:

Please can you help me and say how the calculation basis is?

Well, it is quite simple to find them. As this is an english based forum I will answer in english first and at the end I will write it in german as well.

  1. Make sure you roller diameter and object diameter are correct. (I would choose a bigger object for the test)
  2. wrap blue tape around your object in order to be able to use it more often
  3. make a square of 30x30mm
  4. cut out a square of 30x30mm from paper
  5. laser the square, compare with the paper and check the missing length. (X should be o.k.)
  6. Calculate the new steps / mm per rotation as follows (I take your numbers for the calculation):
    Mesured length = 18,89mm/rotation
    30mm = new mm/rotation
    new mm/rotation = 18,89 / measured length * 30mm
  7. repead the procedure until you get exact square.

German / Deutsch

  1. Stelle sicher, dass sowohl der Durchmesser der Walzen als auch der Objektdurchmesser richtig sind. (Ich würde für den Test ein grösseres Objekt nutzen)
  2. Umklebe das Teil mit blauem Kreppband, dann kanst Du es öfter nutzen.
  3. Zeichne ein Quadrat 30x30mm
  4. Schneide Dir ein 30x30mm Quadrat aus Mathepapier
  5. laser das Quadrat auf das Objekt. Und messe die Unterschiede. (X muss passen!)
  6. Berechne die neuen Werte nach folgender Formel (Ich nehme Deine Werte aus dem Bild)
    Gemessene länge = 18,89mm
    30mm = neue mm/Umdrehung
    neue mm/Umdrehung = 18,89 / Gemessene Länge * 30mm
  7. wiederhole das ganze bis das Quadrat genau passt.
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