3018 noobie everthing very dark

Didnt want you to think I had forgotten but I have been playing madly with the spindle fitted and learning about the cnc milling/routing. Thats been going quiet well.
The last plays I had before switching laser for spindle were on other mediums and lighter colours. I am now definitely leaning to having been very unlucky in picking a couple of things to first try that charcoal at a sideways glance form a laser lol. I did manage to get grayscale on mdf at ‘reasonable’ power and speed and a photo as well.
I just wanted to check back in and say I think it’s all going to be ok, I’ve been enjoying the cnc and learning a load about 3d, cnc, laser, gcode and fusion 360, and how grateful I am for the help you guys gave me… I’ll be back later for the next stupid questions :smiley:
Thanks again

Great… it’s a learning experience, so take it easy…

Good luck


I kind of skimmed through this.
It looks kinda like how my 3018 acted when i switched from spindle to laser.
theres a setting to turn off spindle n switch to laser mode.

If im correct, your laser is running at 100% power all the time, any variations in your burns are comming from speed differences, or when the power is so low, it doesnt realy effect the material, kinda like when doing the 1% power while framing etc.

Just a hunch, thought id through that out there.

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