No. I’m not hoarding it, I just haven’t had time to do it yet.
Oh lens calibration data would be so nice! My camera seems to “lose its place” I can calibrate it one day and use it again tomorrow and its absolute location is off several mm. Thought it was z height but that was not it.
What they mean by ‘lens calibration’ is the test you do with the dots to fix any distortion from the lens. It’s not the same as calibrating alignment.
I get it, but if the calibration is off it can skew the end result causing alignment issues, at least from my experience. So starting with calibration data helps remove one of the variables.
I tried searching the forums. but if my lense is fixed and have a moveable z. I have to realign camera each time using x & y shift. any way around this?
Do you have a movable Z table or a movable Z head?
If the table moves, you would not have to realign anything, because the distance from the top of the material at the focus point of the lens never changes. As long as you focus on the material before you take the camera capture it will all just work.
yes I have a moveable z table
I’ve been trying to calibrate the 140 camera on a BOSS LS 1630 but can’t get through the process. I’ve removed the film from the lens, focused using the camera app in Windows, covered the honeycomb with cardboard and then also with sheets of paper, I’ve placed the pattern securely on a flat board, lighting seems good throughout the bed of the laser, I’ve raised the pattern on a box. I will get a couple of good readings of around .12 at the first 2 locations but then either nothing below a 5 or a no pattern found message. I’m frustrated and at a loss of what to try next. I also just upgraded to the most current version of lightburn.
Can you show a picture of what you see in the calibration window? If we can see what you see it’s easier to help.
I have a brand new Lightburn 140 camera and have tried everything to get it to not just say “pattern not found.” I’ve tried moving the pattern two different computers, Mac and PC and still get the same error. Please help! Thanks, Brian
That pattern needs to be FLAT. You’ve got some waves and wrinkles in there. Print it out then use a spray adhesive to glue it to a piece of wood, acrylic, etc.
We tried the calibration again and the first capture always comes out good, this time .09. The second capture is the “nan” score, picture below. Third capture started out over 3,000 and never got better, picture below.
In your first picture above, you need to raise the calibration target off the bed so that it fills the lower center third of the image with the patter. Imagine the image divided into a tic tac toe board. The image should fill a complete square/rectangle on the board.
Just a thought, it also looks like you can move the camera down considerably. You’ve got a lot of camera image that’s not being used, showing area outside of the bed. As it is you’re probably only getting 1/4 of the pixels of the camera covering the actual bed area. The other is wasted.
We lowered the camera, refocused, tilted the pattern and now we get pattern not found.
I’ll have to let Oz or someone with more experience than me jump in here. That looks pretty good and I’d expect it to see that.
That one is a bit too large, though you’re quite close. If you back up a little, and aim the card so it faces the camera, it should work. It is a bit of a pain though. I’m about to take one of each of the cameras we sell, calibrate them here, and save the results. We’ll post them so people can use these if they’re having trouble doing the calibration themselves.
You’ll always get a slightly better by calibrating yourself, because the cameras have small variations in them, but it should be really close.
Thank you, looking forward to getting it working!
We got it – thanks for your help!