Cannot Calibrate Camera on Gweike Cloud - inconsistent results

Thank you for the info! I ordered mine with the Christmas discount. I actually knew there was no filter. i’ve got it hooked up to a grow-tent fan (big thing). But I still get a lot of smoke in my room. I am thinking of surrounding it in some type of container to catch the smoke.

Gweike is a funny company. I’m not complaining that they sneak in improvements :slight_smile: But I think they are going to have a nightmare supporting it when not knowing who has what. I am still having problems with the camera. On the camera tab it shows the image upside down. When viewing the image behind the objects, the left half of the screen just shows white. On top of the laser, there is a round lens-like thing taped to it. Do you know what that is? Thanks again!

Just saw the above post. Laser alignment target. Noting I need to keep.

They’re already having a nightmare… A while ago I was in Chat with a bunch of them ( using automatic English / Chinese Translation ) and they couldn’t or wouldn’t give a single satisfactory answer to my questions. Not impressed :expressionless: ( Luckily, I’ve since been able to answer my most agonizing question ).

So does mine ( only ¼ visible due to UI Scaling )…

…but what is important is how it’ll show on the Workspace :arrow_up: after you’ve hit the Camera Button ( ALT + C ).

I’ve tried everything imaginable. I cannot calibrate my GWeike camera with Lightburn. I can get an acceptable score on one or two captures, but most give me abstract art. However, if I don’t select “fish eye lens”, it sees the pattern every time. The end result creates an overlay that only shows a small part of the bed.

Has anyone tried to replace their GWeike camera with another? Personally, I will never buy a GWeike product again. I have the newest model (as far as I know) and since they change parts at will, what ever may work fine on your Gweike may not work on mine. They have a lot of support people who try to help, but frequently refer me to a video that shows a different version. Most recently, I was trying to adjust the air assist flow. The GWeike rep sent me a link to a video that was made a month ago. It showed a switch. I sent a photo of mine, no switch. She insisted she was going to the factory to have a look. Did I photoshop the switch off my machine? No one at GWeike knows how to adjust the air assist?

I hope you’re not using the distortion of the capture to determine if you’re getting good captures. Those pictures are largely irrelevant and you should only rely on the score.

The lens calibration is mostly for distortion. The camera alignment process is what determines bed visibility.

Do the captures taken during camera alignment look distortion free? If so, then lens calibration is likely okay and just need to sort out camera alignment. If the captures there are still distorted then lens calibration has more work to be done.

Are you able to potentially take the camera out of the machine to do the lens calibration? Might be easier.

Sorry about the delay, I got Covid.

My Gweike experience has been the most frustrating I’ve ever had with a tech company. The support people are nice and seem like they truly want to help. But they can’t because when they refer to a video or a doc note, it does not match the machine I have. According to the rep, they may make changes in “batches”. For a newcomer to Laser Cutting, it is extremely frustrating.

The camera is a fisheye. If I select Fisheye in LightBurn it will not calibrate. If I don’t select fisheye, it will calibrate, but the image is much smaller ten the bed size. I will probably try sticking on another camera.

Yikes. Hope you’re feeling better.

If you’re going to go through that trouble I’d encourage you to try calibrating your lens outside of the enclosure. This can open you up to other lighting situations and ability to move the calibration pattern that should allow you to really dial it in.

As an alternative, if you list your specific model of the camera perhaps someone else on this forum could provide you with their lens calibration. Or if you could get this from Gweike directly.

That would get you past that part of it.

Just food for thought.

I’m better, thanks! I will try the above suggestion. Thanks again!

Just got the latest Gweike 50w Cloud. Attempted the camera calibration and after 2 views were successful everything went downhill. Couldn’t get anything close to passable on the third view. Did send a note to Gweike for what its worth. Didn’t think about asking for the lens calibration directly from them but will do that now. Let me know if you get any solutions. Thanks.

You can’t generate LaserPecker GCode in Lightburn (except for the LP4, perhaps, which is not yet released from Kickstarter), but there is an Inkscape plugin that can. It’s no Lightburn (generates GCode from an SVG) but it’s way better than relying solely on the **** apps.

Makes it usable.

Are there very specific oddities to the gcode? Can’t seem to find any samples. Looks like it might use ‘I’ for inline similar to Marlin. Is it a Marlin based firmware do you know?

Hello! I’ve started collecting all I know about the Gweike Cloud on this post: How to use Gweike Cloud with LightBurn + tips, tricks & FAQ

I cover how to set up the camera there too. :slight_smile:

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