Chinese 80W Water Leak flow sensor Failure (update)

Read the Ruida console first when you have an error. It will display something as to what’s going on.

What have you done to it…?

You can read the Z/U → Diagnostics to see the state. The hardware in the last photo shows the input state.

You have to help us out here.


Hello Jack I havent done anything to the Ruida controller, only presses the ZU button, its not showing anything as a problem

Post 28 is where I tell you how to enable/disable wp.

This shows the status on the controller as I stated in a previous post. The Y limit switch is active. You will see it as ‘Water prot1’.

If it’s loading a program but won’t operate when you press ‘start’, it must be giving you some kind of error code. Or it’s operator error… Does it beep?


Hello Jack. I managed to get the machine to cut a job, unfortunately it did not move out of the homing position top RH corner, so we have moved a step further, it took a previious program of the ruida control panel and pressed enter, the program started to cut in the top RH corner, so I have tried to set at absolute coordinance , but nothing happens, I can move the laser on x and y axis using the arrow keys and also get the laser to pulse any where on the board!!! Help

if I put a program in now I cant frame it.

You need to be more clear… frame it from the Ruida panel or Lightburn.

If it’s at the Ruida, it will show an error, what was it? ALWAYS look at the Ruida console, first and see if there is a displayed error. Usually it will beep, a good indicator it’s done or had some type of failure.


Hello Jack monday Morn in OZ, Just check the machine heres what I have done.
Connected earth wire to the concrete floor drilled and attached, Done
ran program from Ruida panel, machine beeped Error message Frame Slop, work paused, continue press enter, x axis moved down and back to home position , two beeps
Ruida Panel shows this water protect 1&2 not lit up
nothigh showing on x & y axis 00
moved laser from ruida panel lh arrow key x showing 261.3 moved y axis showing 133.3
Z 2999.9
I can test fire on x and y axis, thats all, sorry for my vagueness, I suffered a stroke 3 months back and my eyesight is not good, waiting on cataract surgery, Ruida panel is very difficult for me to read. Regards Sam

Copy that, I may be next… :frowning:

No problem about you getting the information. Do it on your schedule.

Frame slop error means you are attempting to drive it out of the defined working area. If your object is within the area the overscan will cause a slop error. Make sure you have room for the head to slow down, turn around and speed back up outside the image area but within the work area.

If you have wp enabled it should complain. If you have them off, I though you could see the signal. You can also check the leds on the controller itself to determine what state the input is, post 39 a ways back…


How do I overcome the slop error, this only came up in the last week and I dont know how to fix it

I cant wait to get my eyes done its a real pain for me,

Seems Frame SLOP error has been a problem for many closed 2020 lightburn interesting read when you can see properly

Laserclaw 207 post

sorry that should have been lobsterclaw207

another message that keeps comming up but i just press OK.
The library failed to load. ( C /users/sammi/onedrive/documents/bathurst.cib) any ideas

I stated what it was and how to fix it in the previous post.


Hello Jack, we have sucess laser back in business, fixed Frame Slop set x and y axis 150/250 with green dot in bottom LH corner pressed Origin. and she is now working again no more error messages or water protect OK. Thank you for your help and paitence with a partially blind man. Ciao Sam

No perspiration. Glad you’re back up and running…

Take care


False Hope Jack …machine stopped after 2 days, was able to do only two test jobs shut down the machine and restarted the next morning, checked water flow in and out OK, put the new job in through my laptop on to Ruida, accepted, went to frame and Frame Slop error message came up. shut down and went through same procedure move laser left arrow x-axis to 150 then down arrow y-axis 250 hit origin and restart, worked fine for 2 jobs, the third job sent from laptop to Ruida accepted opened file pressed enter and two beeps, no Error message, pressed escape a tried again 2 beeps and no error message
can move laser left and right and get a pulse, opened the rear cabinet and laser will fire ok, checked diagnostic and laser shows water protection on.
opened the front door and checked the pulse would not fire door switch protection on. turned of protection switch on the front cabinet, opened door, and checked the pulse works fine…

baffled now hear we go again…

In all likely hood you caused this. I told you what caused it chase down in your artwork or position problem.

Nothing but a fix of the origin or at the Lightburn will correct this.

If your engine would not start, I doubt they would check to see if the wheels rolled. At this point it’s unrelated.

There is no feedback to the controller from the lps, it doesn’t know whats out there. No reason to check the laser, especially the protection circuits. If they become inactive, the machine will stop and alert you.

A frame slop error, can be caused by the ‘start from’ settings. More than likely you are too close to the sides of the machine somewhere.

Don’t to ‘shut down’ the controller/machine, it won’t help an error like that. The tests you made after a shutdown are useless, since the machine status has been reset.

I don’t think you are getting a good understanding of how these work. When you have it beep at you it indicates something. The two beeps usually occur at the end of the job.


Hello Jack. Well this doesn’t help me at all. engine wont start, i would look at the battery first, i have been in the automotve industry fifty years with GM and Ford, I do have an understanding of how things work. Lasers well that’s another subject, when you put paint in the spray gun and it doesn’t come out, simply it’s blocked.
when I turn the laser on and it won’t frame then I am confused, the oject on the screen is showing were the art work is, the laser is set to user origin and the green dot is in the middle of the grid, so I would expect the artwork would go to the grid point in the Laser. 2 beeps tell me job finished,
Yes, I am confused and like many probably don’t understand it as well as I should, hoping you can give a dumb guy some help or guidance…appreciate your patience…