Cutting micro small brick wall looks like plus (+) signs in certain areas - using laserboard

As promised, I am circling back and providing pics of the end results of what I was aiming for in regards to a brick pattern, which was needed in order to complete the chimney you see in the pics below.

The house is a laser cut kit from a company in Germany called ARCHISTORIES. It comes as a multi-piece kit, very detailed and highly exact when it comes to fit, and pre-colored. Plus, one house can be built in multiple forms by simply switching the kit components around. HOWEVER, IT DOES NOT COME WITH A CHIMNEY — thus, I cut and added the one you see pictured. The scale is 1:220, which is Z-scale. And YES, that is a dime in the pics.

The final chimney took me four iterations to get close enough to what I wanted. You’ll note the scrap chimneys in the background of the one pic. I am 90% happy with the final version, although once installed on my model railroad layout, the flaws are not detectable with the naked eye at this scale.

For everyone that commented and offered advice, your assistance took my laser cutting efforts to the next level. THANK YOU !!!