Difference between CO2 (hobby) lasers

Next to my iKier diode laser I am looking at a CO2 laser. When I look at the options for a reasonably priced model, they start at around € 4.000 (made in Europe / US) or the cheap Chinese models starting from € 450,-. That’s quite a gap in price but, I assume, also a gap in quality or durability / support. What would you reccoment?

It could give you some insight into the experiences of others. I am not saying that it is the only and best laser in the world but for my needs it is a very fine solid and precise machine. Read the whole long thread, there are many good comentar and posts from others here from the forum.

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It kind of depends… Knowing what I know now, part of which came from actually doing upgrades, I’d get this one from Cloud Ray in a heartbeat. It’s quite a superior machine compared to the rest. It comes with many standard features not normally used. It’s also unique to Cloud Ray’s standard machines. Even at it’s regular price, it’s the best value.

I have many of the Russ Sadler additions on my machine. Many simplify the operation, much like his lightweight head design. Also add more precision. The model I saw also had much better Z bearings on the table…

I probably have more cash in mine than if I’d bought this one…of course there is the education from doing this yourself.

I don’t know the specific difference between the 6445 and the 6432 controllers… I’d find out and order the one that I liked the best. Most of these are 6445, mine is a 6442.

Don’t know how many hours I spent upgrading, which was not a simple bolt on. The spouse won’t tell me how much I’ve spent over the cost of the new machine… complains I won’t enjoy it as much :man_shrugging:

Good luck


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