File sent to Ruida controller does not frame correctly


I have a new Mac and just upgraded to the latest Lightburn version. Every once and awhile I send a file to the controller and set origin and frame it, but the framing goes much larger than the frame should be. When I look at the controller I see that the preview image is very small and located in the lower right corner of the controller. I know from experience that this will not frame properly. It is like blinding guessing where to start. I always have to go back and shut down Lightburn and resend the file. No pattern here that I can see and it probably only occurs about 5% of the time, but is kind of a pain because my computer is not in the same space as my laser. Anyone seen this issue before?

Thank you,


Since you said set torigin, I’m assuming you’re using User Origin for a start from. In that mode any other items on your screen will affect the frame size of your graphic, even if it’s a hidden layer.

One way around this is to use the Cut Selected Graphics option AND Use Selection Origin. You will see the Green origin square move to your selected graphic only.

If you don’t have any other layers on your screen, then you may have an errant shape that you aren’t noticing affecting your size. Type Cmd + A and see if there is anything selected outside of your desired graphic and delete as necessary. Then again, the cut selected with use selection origin solves this issue.

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This seems very much like an intermittent communications problem trashing the file in transit. When the LightBurn file has not changed, but the resulting file in the machine is different, there’s data damage in between.

Assuming the Mac is connected to the laser through a USB link, these (sometimes lengthy) discussions may be relevant:

If any of that applies, the least awful way out seems to be using the machine’s Ethernet connection, rather than USB. The router must be set up to avoid assigning the machine’s fixed IP address to another device through DHCP, because two devices at the same IP address cause bizarre problems.

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Hi Tim,

Thank you for the quick response. I will start looking for extraneous items outside my selected item and see if Cut Selected Graphics remedies this. I usually have hidden layers and other items on my grid when I send the file, that is why I have to select the item I want to send. Now that I have some ideas on what to look for, I will start to riule out some possibilities.


Hi Ed,

Thank you for your quick response. I neglected to say what my connection is. My Thunder Nova CO2 is connected via Ethernet cable. At any rate, I think you may have a good point. It just baffles me why it only occurs about 5% of the time. The connections are never unplugged on either end and therefore not touched at all. I will take allot at the links you provided.

Thank you,


If both the Mac and the Ruida are connected to your LAN, then intermittent data transfer problems can be a symptom of having the router assign another device the same IP address as the laser through DHCP…

To diagnose:

  • Ping the laser from the Mac
  • Verify the response comes from the laser’s IP address
  • Disconnect the laser’s cable
  • Ping the laser’s IP address from the Mac
  • Any response indicates another device with the same IP address

Do that when everything is working, then when a transfer fails, so you can compare the results.

But, if you’re using a direct wired connection between the Mac and the Ruida with no LAN involved, then … it’s something else.

Might be but it still talks udp/ip not tcp/ip. UDP is low leval and has no error handling protocol.

The Lightburn PI bridge has a layer of code that’s supposed to make this more dependable, but don’t know how it works. It is the best communication there is with the Ruida.
