as per the linked docs: “If your laser has a red-dot pointer that is not aligned with your beam, you can enable the Laser Offset value to compensate for this when framing and positioning. Adjust the offset value to shift the position of the laser’s output relative to the red dot.”
So i guess it should adjust. Though I might misinterpret that. I do my positioning with the crosshair.
Again, I agree that the documentation could be worded more clearly (the phrase, “compensate for this when framing” is not strictly inaccurate, but slightly misleading). I have made a note internally to get that reworded.
However, the actual behavior makes perfect sense. You use your red dot pointer (or crosshair in your case) to align to your material and frame. Then, when you run the actual project, the laser’s output is shifted to the location you saw the red dot frame at.
I might not be understanding. This is what i observe:
I put the laser exactly at the spot (the crosshair laser that is offset)
I run bounds (it moves around the designated spot exactly)
I run the laser (no other change, just press run), it moves 2cm left and then burns. Obviously now NOT at the spot where the crosshair was.
EDIT: I get what you mean now. I use the framing to also see if the laser body runs into obstacles and thus it does not fullill what i would want. If i used the crosshair to frame it would obviously be correct as it is now. This is the reason for our misunderstanding.