Framing does not include Laser Offset

Contrary to what Device Settings - LightBurn Documentation ( says when i burn a small rectangle at the center, the “Frame” operation does not really move the head, while the burn moves it significally (by the 2.2cm offset).

Did I miss something ? Previous questions on the forum said everything is shifted.

Could you please add
Your frame, your laser
Your lightburn version

Screenshot of your Device Settings screen please

The intended behavior is for Framing to be unaffected by the offset, but for output to be shifted by the distance you set for the offset.

This is intended to allow you to line up and frame your project using the red dot pointer, then have output shift to align to that location.

as per the linked docs: “If your laser has a red-dot pointer that is not aligned with your beam, you can enable the Laser Offset value to compensate for this when framing and positioning. Adjust the offset value to shift the position of the laser’s output relative to the red dot.”

So i guess it should adjust. Though I might misinterpret that. I do my positioning with the crosshair.

What do you mean with ‘your frame’ / ‘your laser’ ?

I just drew a tiny rectangle, laser centered to object. When starting it moves over (correctly), when framing it does not.

I agree that this could be worded more clearly, but the key part there is “shift the position of the laser’s output relative to the red dot.”

The laser’s output is shifted — not the Framing location.

Yes, but the documentation says “laser offset” applies to “framing”, and it clearly does not have any role in framing only in positioning.

Does not even make sense. How are you supposed to reliably frame if it is offset by 2cm (in my case)

Again, I agree that the documentation could be worded more clearly (the phrase, “compensate for this when framing” is not strictly inaccurate, but slightly misleading). I have made a note internally to get that reworded.

However, the actual behavior makes perfect sense. You use your red dot pointer (or crosshair in your case) to align to your material and frame. Then, when you run the actual project, the laser’s output is shifted to the location you saw the red dot frame at.

I might not be understanding. This is what i observe:

  1. I put the laser exactly at the spot (the crosshair laser that is offset)
  2. I run bounds (it moves around the designated spot exactly)
  3. I run the laser (no other change, just press run), it moves 2cm left and then burns. Obviously now NOT at the spot where the crosshair was.

EDIT: I get what you mean now. I use the framing to also see if the laser body runs into obstacles and thus it does not fullill what i would want. If i used the crosshair to frame it would obviously be correct as it is now. This is the reason for our misunderstanding.

I my case, laser offset also also ignored when framing.
LightBurn 1.6.03 Creality Ender 3 with 10W laser modul

I have a WeCreat 10w. I am having an issue getting most things framed correctly and I believe from this same issue if I am understanding it all correctly. I have the red crosshairs and then off to the left of center about a half inch, is the laser light, if I turn on the Fire button while framing. That is almost always not where my design is so I have to move it. In MakeIt (WeCreat software) I know that where ever I put my design, that is where it is going to start. It is very simple and very clear. I can line up stuff I already cut and be able to add text after the fact very easily. But in Lightburn, I have NO clue why it doesn’t start where the design is and why it starts framing inches away from where I have the green dot. If I disable the Laser offset, does it move the laser to be in the center of the crosshairs? I will show you what I mean in an attachment and will show what my Laser offset has been since I set up my program, I did not alter it. Thank you.

The laser offset is used to adjust the difference between the laser spot and the cross hair because it’s easier to frame using the cross hairs instead of the laser beam.
Here’s how i set mine:

  1. Fire the laser beam and burn a small spot on your material.
  2. Turn the laser beam off and be careful not to move the laser head
  3. Measure the x and y distance (Offset) between the spot you just burned and the center of the cross hairs
  4. Enter those values into the laser pointer offset field and enable it.
  5. Make a small box and use the cross hairs beam to frame it.
  6. Make some marks on the project where it was framed by the cross hairs (Like each Corner). Or you can increase the power when you frame to slightly engrave the box
  7. Then burn the box and see if the burn is where it should be
  8. You may have to do this a couple of times to get it accurate

From your picture looks like your Y offset is correct and you just need to adjust your X offset.

Bottom line is when you get this correct the frame position using the cross hairs and the burn position using the laser should be the same

Wow an answer I can understand! Thank you so much, now I get it I think. Here is my one other small issue before I can do that. I can see the laser beam if I use “shift-frame” as the head does the frame. I can also see the bean if I click the Fire button and then the frame button. I can not however, see just the beam by just hitting the fire button alone. I know from watching another video that I should be able to hit the fire button and see the beam, without the head moving. I have the beam set at 80%. So right now, I don’t have a way to burn a spot on the wood like you instruct. When I hit the fire button alone, I get nothing. At 80%, I see the beam clearly while the head is moving. What can I try so that I can see the beam simply by hitting the fire button? Once I figure that out, I can do the instructions you gave. Thank you again so much for answering me so that I can understand.

Not sure on that one. Long as you have “Enable Laser Fire Button” enabled and “Laser on When Framing” you should be able to just hit the Fire Button and see the Laser Beam. Next to "Laser on When Framing. What percentage do you have there. Normally I use 3% there. Just enough to see the beam. Dont use Shift-Fire. Just press the fire button

I started the percentage low but could not see it until I got up to 80%. It does not leave any marks on the wood. I thought it seemed high but I could not see the beam at all at 3%. I will try again and restart Lightburn and see if anything changes. I will report back.

Don’t know what version of LB you are using. Looks like there’s a bug in Lightburn 1.3.01 and beta 1.4 that has been reported .

Try loading lasergrbl and see if it works there. That should tell you if its a LB bug (which I think it is) or your machine .

Try rebooting your computer. Just something else to try

I have version 1.7.03. I downloaded Lasergrbl but not sure how to get it to work. When I try to connect, it says COM10 access is denied. COM10 is what I use for my laser and is what shows up for Lightburn. I tried COM4 and I get the same error message, “error connecting to your engraver”. Is there something I need to do to have Lasergrbl recognize my Vista?

LaserGRBL is a free program similar to Lightburn but very basic. Its easy to set up and use. You can download it for free and then install it. After you install it you can try the “Fire” button in Lasergrbl. If it works there then there is nothing wrong with your machine and there is a bug in Lightburn. I don’t have Lasergrbl loaded right now but its pretty intuitive and you should be able figure out how to connect to your machine and try the fire botton there

Yes I get nothing when I hit the fire button but then I am also not connected from what I can tell.

I think I will contact WeCreat and see if they can tell me why the fire button will not work unless it is framing. I do appreciate all your time and effort with me this morning, it was very nice of you. I will figure it out at some point. Maybe is just is a Vista issue. Have a great day!!!