How to change the Z-axis distance focal point

We are still new to the software and learning our way around within it. I have attached a screenshot.

In Move, how do we manually change the distance focal point in the Z-axis? As you can see in the photo, it is shaded which prevents us from changing the height for different thicknesses of material.

Also, does it always have to be in mm or can it be in inches too?

Thank you for getting back to me.


1 st. does your machine have auto focus .?

Please describe your machine it will better help to understand maybe how to help you.

His machine has autofocus… it’s a Gweike pro from his profile…

I don’t have a Z axes on my machine, so it’s exact operation is unknown to me.

I’d suggest checking to ensure it’s enabled…

Can’t help much more than that… those have some strange traits…

This thread by @BillieRuben might help you out…

It’s not kosher to double post… it’s time consuming for all of us trying to help you…

Good luck


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