How to export the color palette from Lightburn into my drawing program?

For most users, the exact details of the colors used in the color palette are unimportant, but some of our users have asked about the colors used to simplify developing templates for external design software.

To export, make a simple shape of each color (Grid Array can speed creation) and then export it as an SVG - all the shapes would have their colors set. This is the color table used:

Layer Color Hex Layer Color Hex
Layer 00 rgb ( 0, 0, 0) #000000 Layer 16 rgb (128, 128, 128) #808080
Layer 01 rgb ( 0, 0, 255) #0000FF Layer 17 rgb (125, 135, 185) #7D87B9
Layer 02 rgb (255, 0, 0) #FF0000 Layer 18 rgb (187, 119, 132) #BB7784
Layer 03 rgb ( 0, 224, 0) #00E000 Layer 19 rgb ( 74, 111, 227) #4A6FE3
Layer 04 rgb (208, 208, 0) #D0D000 Layer 20 rgb (211, 63, 106) #D33F6A
Layer 05 rgb (255, 128, 0) #FF8000 Layer 21 rgb (140, 215, 140) #8CD78C
Layer 06 rgb ( 0, 224, 224) #00E0E0 Layer 22 rgb (240, 185, 141) #F0B98D
Layer 07 rgb (255, 0, 255) #FF00FF Layer 23 rgb (246, 196, 225) #F6C4E1
Layer 08 rgb (180, 180, 180) #B4B4B4 Layer 24 rgb (250, 158, 212) #FA9ED4
Layer 09 rgb ( 0, 0, 160) #0000A0 Layer 25 rgb ( 80, 10, 120) #500A78
Layer 10 rgb (160, 0, 0) #A00000 Layer 26 rgb (180, 90, 0) #B45A00
Layer 11 rgb ( 0, 160, 0) #00A000 Layer 27 rgb ( 0, 71, 84) #004754
Layer 12 rgb (160, 160, 0) #A0A000 Layer 28 rgb (134, 250, 136) #86FA88
Layer 13 rgb (192, 128, 0) #C08000 Layer 29 rgb (255, 219, 102) #FFDB66
Layer 14 rgb ( 0, 160, 255) #00A0FF Layer T1 rgb (243, 105, 38) #F36926
Layer 15 rgb (160, 0, 160) #A000A0 Layer T2 rgb ( 12,150, 217) #0C96D9
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