I can't connect laser to lightburn

Hi, I am new to all this, I don’t have any idea what am I supposed to do, sorry for my english, I will try to explain, I have the neje 3 pro when I am trying to connect to lightburn it doesn’t find any device, I saw in video tutorial how to do it manually but it says ready and when I press start button to try it, there is a message which says busy or pause, Please help me I want so much to work with this but I dont know what to do

I’d search old threads and see which issue it is. Mac’s are an issue it seems.

I put grbl without lpc but it does the same thing

Definitely stick with GRBL (not LPC).

I suggest rebooting your computer.

When starting back up try to do things in this order:

  1. turn on computer
  2. plug in usb cable to computer
  3. turn on laser
  4. start LightBurn

Make sure the correct is selected when LightBurn opens. The one you’re currently showing looks like it should be correct.

If that doesn’t work. one other user yesterday had an issue with a Neje 3. He had to upgrade his firmware and then things worked correctly. However, from what I saw the upgrade utility seemed like it was Windows only.


Thank you for your help, my problem was the door control, after I release it, I restart my laptop I follow the steps you mention and the lightburn found it without doing anything, thank you again

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Ah. Ok. I didn’t realize you had anything like that. Good to know.

Glad you you were able to get everything working.

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