Laser does not work but home and origin works

I have a Snapmaker 2.0 and have been using lightburn. Updated lightburn and firmware and now it no longer works. It goes home and you can set and go to origin but will not move after hitting start. I am thinking about uninstalling then reinstalling lightburn but I misplaced my license and I am worried if I do uninstall I wont be able to get into lightburn. I could use some help with this issue. My license still has 2 months to go.

I read somewhere in the forum that snapmaker been changing their firmware to GRBL from their proprietary type. Unsuer if this applies to your machine.

I am trying to find it but i cant.

I will keep looking, but i will ping @JohnJohn that might be able to guide you through faster.

Regrettably, I don’t have this device.

@gilaraujo - nothing wrong with your memory. You are correct. Adam is Point on this one.

Regrettably, this is expected with their most recent firmware change.
If you roll the Snapmaker firmware back from the most recent to the one immediately before, you may be in fairly good shape.

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Thanks bookmarked this.
Seems there’s an uptick in snapmaker requests, maybe a pinned thing on the announcements?

re-pinned… i think.

Danke! i see now is on snapmaker subforum. i was looking at the main announcements… facepalms!

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