My laser worked for about 2 days, I’ve read many things on this forum and tried about all of them. My laser fires up moves to the word I’m trying to burn, looks like it working fine but nothing burns? I still get the error 7, I’ve tried all the fixes on here. I’ve totally deleted the lightburn program and re-installed it. Been working on this for 2 days and nothing works to fix this problem. Could it be the laser? The light comes on but the laser, I don’t know what to do, can someone help. Thank you
Hi Lori,
Some say, “This is a really rare error”
If I’m reading this correctly there’s a little computer board on the engraver that’s confused. I think I can bump this question over to the GRBL group and help look for Sculpfun S9 settings.
In the mean time - If you could open the Console window in LightBurn and type $$ there - the little computer inside the engraver will divulge its secrets. If you can copy and paste that into a reply here we might be able to see what happened.
Hi John, Here is what happened after I put in the $$. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Another user posted their Sculpun S9 settings and I found a key difference.
Their $23 = 3 Your $23 = 0
The two machines run for home in opposite directions. Unless other modifications have been made they should run home the same way.
Their $27 = 3 Your $27 = 1
This is the amount of movement the engraver head will step back from the limit switches when homing… Also a possible problem.
Open console and type $#
Copy and paste that info here the same way so I can see if any other modifications were done. We should be able to get this straightened out. I just want to make sure there isn’t a strange offset in that next bunch of info.
Here you go, Thanks for helping!
alright. it looks like that’s all there is to it.
Connect the engraver to your computer with just the USB cable and don’t hook up the power supply that came with the engraver. I want to see if we can do this with it not moving.
Hopefully, It will just complain about not homing and just hang out and think.
In LightBurn open the console window and enter the following lines of code each line followed by the ‘Enter’ Key:
if the console accepts those codes the engraver should behave properly next time. You can type in $$ to make sure the $23 and $27 numbers have both changed to 3.
Unplug the usb cable to shut the controller down. Move the engraver head to the middle(ish) of the work-space by hand.
This doesn’t have to be super-precise the engraver needs to simply not be holding the engraver at the edge of travel.
Power up the engraver normally, then plug the usb cable in. The head should home correctly and jump slightly off the limit switches after arriving.
Let me know if that solves it.
Here’s what it looks like, 23 did change to 3 but 27 3,000. i plugged it in and tried It still will not burn. It goes though all the movements and the light on the laser is bright, like its working but it doesn’t burn into the wood.
Thank you for helping
Likely causes:
- bad focus
- you’re going too fast. Slow way down.
- your power is too low. Raise this as necessary.
In general, I recommend starting with power at 20-30%. Make sure you’ve focused the laser. Slow it down until you start seeing it burn. Then adjust settings accordingly until you get an acceptable burn.
It’s not a comma, it’s a decimal point. 3=3.000 and I think you’re doing great!
It sounds you’re past the error 7 and you’re up and running again and now you’re on to figuring out focus and power levels.
Please mark this one as ‘solved’ and start a new thread about power levels. I was lost on power levels for a while trying to get mine working.
good luck and have fun!
Hi, I did the focus test, I slowed it way down and it will still not burn. Anything else I can try? Thank you
I checked today the console and its back to this
Waiting for connection…
EEPROM read failed. Reset and restored to default values.
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
Target buffer size found
Do I need to repeat the steps every time?
The EEPROM is type of memory in the Sculpfun S9 that stores settings.
If something goes bad reading it once, it could be a fluke. If it’s failing to read on more than one occasion it starts to look solidly like a hardware problem.
I feel that it’s time for you to reach out to Sculpfun for assistance. I think it would be informative for them if you linked this forum thread in your communication with them to help guide their service decisions.
Another user had Error:7 on a different machine. Here’s what Oz had to say about it.
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