Lightburn vs Full Spectrum

May I ask some specifics about your conversion? Is a new power supply required for the conversion? When you say you kept the FS settings on the DM442… what do you mean and what is the DM442?:grimacing: Any other insight to the modification would be greatly appreciated!

I replaced the laser power supply because I was upgrading the 45 watt tube to a 60 watt. The original power supply would have worked, but I wanted a better quality unit. I did not change the 24v power supply.

The DM442 is the model number of the stepper control. The settings referred to are the dip switch positions.

If you are just replacing the controller with a Ruida controller, no other parts are required. The wiring diagram with the Ruida will guide you. Just remember to replace the ground jumper on the laser power supply (this is missing in the Ruida diagram).

Full Spectrum also uses a 5v power supply that will no longer be required. It is located just above Full Spectrum control box.

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much, I think this will be very helpful! I am fed up with Full Spectrum… they are absolutely awful!

We’ve heard this many times, from a considerable number of people.

We won’t necessarily be able to assist with hardware issues, but in general if you email us (or post here) someone will try to help.

Hi Oz,

Herein lies the rub, I can’t determine if its hardware or software related. Here is a more detailed description of what I am experiences. The rotary issue is the most important. I can live with the Z axis not being calibrated.

Initial settings;
Ruida 6445G controller (RDC-V15.01.19)
Lightburn V1.3.01
X and Y calibrated to 0.01%

Problem: Once I enter values into the rotary setup window to correctly size the engraving, the rotary will run perfectly. I disable the rotary and power down the laser. I change the aviation connector back to the Y axis connector. I power up the laser. During the initial reset the Y axis will not return to home (if it was left further than 300mm away). I tried manually tripping the limit switch with no effect. When I move the Y on the controller it will only move 300mm.

My stepper motor driver is set to 20000 pulses per rotation.
LB rotary setup is 25680 steps per rotation and roller diameter is 34mm.

After using the rotary, I have reload machine settings to my default file (no rotary setting changes from default). Once done, the Y axis responds correctly until I go to use the rotary again.

I am interested in your thoughts.

Do you ‘hot’ swap the Y axes for the rotary?

What does the machines console indicate?

Did ‘it’ think it home properly or was there some type of error?

The Ruida should home before anything else when it’s booted. Assuming homing for that axes is not disabled within the controller itself.


The console showed 300 mm moved on the Y, but continues to try to reset. Eventually I hit ESC. I do not “hot swap” as a general precaution.

Do you disable homing or press esc when you attach the rotary?


I have tried 2 techniques. !. manually trip the Y limit switch twice to emulate the linear motion. 2. Press ESC. Neither technique changes anything.

I do ok with the Ruida, and I’ve never heard of one acting as you describe.

However they continue to surprise me with their operations that are not ‘expected’.


I have also considered adding a 4th axis (U) assigned to the rotary. Although the 6445G shows the capability, I can’t find enough information to clearly know if it will support this function. I assume (dangerous word) the “A” setting the the LB rotary pop-up would correspond to “U”,

Browse this link, maybe it will be helpful with the rotary.


So… my initial question was regarding the support, which is clearly much better here! The ironic thing about where this thread went is that one of the main issues I have on my Full Spectrum as it stands is my rotary. Currently, I swap the Y axis when using the rotary. It sometimes works and sometimes give very unexpected results, particularly when rastering. So, if I want to keep my setup the same (e.g. not deal with a U axis) and just change the plug… what controller will I need? Ruida 6445 S or the G?

Before you commit, take a look at this video. If I didn’t already have 2 6445g DLPs, I would seriously consider this touch screen Ruida.

That looks great! Thank you so much!

For anyone reading this who is looking at Full Spectrum, at this point I called them over a week ago. I submitted the support ticket, sent photos and videos of my issues, and have emailed them a few times. They have yet to reply. Conversely, on here, where I haven’t even made a purchase yet, I have had multiple users reply as well as staff. Don’t be fooled by FS Laser’s sales dept, they are a terrible company!

We have an 80W FSL at work. I would LOVE to use lightburn instead of their crappy software that isn’t even supported anymore. Unfortunately, getting someone to spend the money on a Chinese controller to modify the machine to run 3rd party software (which would also need to be approved by IT) is a tough sell. Burocracy for the win, I guess. The FSL software has so many bugs.

We never used a rotary attachment, no I can’t offer any help there.

If the software is inhibiting yours and the machines production, then management needs to look at something to alleviate the issue.

I would not think the Ruida itself is an issue, as it seems do dumb to be a threat and uses on UDP for an internet connection… it is, however, a very dependable controller at relatively low cost over an American made unit.

Maybe a grbl controller option? … made in the US, at least the software…

If you’re going to run Lightburn I’m sure they would talk with them about what kind of security is required by your IT department … Not too big of a problem if you’re manufacturing wooden pegs, but running a nuclear plant is a different issue, at least security wise.

Get the information together that shows it would make them money, not cost them to do this and see if they agree… all they can say is no…

Good luck


I’ve figured out how to make their software work, so we’re not really out anything. We don’t use the laser all that often anymore. And this is the US government we’re talking about. They have strange rules.

And on the topic of wishing lightburn could control something, I wish I could run my vinyl cutter from lightburn. It’s an old HPGL machine. I use lightburn to trace images, but have to use crappy (and expensive) software to run the thing.

EDIT: this is not a serious request, just an idle wish. The devs here do enough.

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No doubt in a few years Lightburn will be running vinyl cutters, plasma machines, cnc machines and a host more.

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