Lightburn will not connect to Trocen AWC708S

I just got a chinese CO2 laser and can not get lightburn to recognize the machine is connected via USB. I am using Windows 10 and the machine has Trocen AWC708S.

The Trocen is a DSP machine. You’ll need the Free Trial version or a DSP License to connect.

When unpacking and installing LightBurn, there’s an opportunity to install or skip the absolutely critical FTDI Driver. It’s easy to miss it. The easy way to confirm that the FTDI driver is installed is to Open your downloads folder, execute the LightBurn installer, and walk through it slowly to ensure you don’t skip it.

LightBurn may not Auto-detect the correct USB port. Open the Console window and the Laser window. If you see any input from the laser in the Console window, (even an error message) you’ve connected the hardware and you’re communicating. You can move forward. If you see no communication from the Laser engraver at this point, Click the middle Button along the bottom row in the Laser window and select a different COM port if it’s available. it may take 10 seconds to start communicating with the controller.

Please let us know if it’s either of those or if you’re still stuck.

The search tool in the top right corner is good. Occasionally I have better success with a search engine pointed at the forum.

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Hello, i have a awc708c lite co2 laser, having a similar issue. Im connecting to an hp laptop (brand new), connected through usb and Lightburn (latest version ) doesn’t recognize the laser even though is listed under manual setting.
What should I do, thank you in advanced

There are a couple of key points.

First, are you using the fully featured trial Key or do you have the DSP License for LightBurn? If you have neither, this is the first thing to change.

When launching LightBurn, there’s an option to install the FTDI Driver. Did you do that? It’s really easy to skip over. If you’re not absolutely certain, reinstall LightBurn. It shouldn’t hurt any preexisting settings. You may not be able to see the FTDI chip in the AWC708C without the driver.

With the driver installed start LightBurn with the USB cable disconnected. Power up the laser, and with LightBurn running, plug in the USB cable. Listen for the happy bonk sound that Windows makes when a USB device connects. If it made that noise, then test the find my laser button.

Let us know if you get it connected or if you’re still stuck.

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