New 8mp Camera?

I redid the alignment part at 240. This is what I get when I zoom in.

I haven’t lowered the camera yet. I will try that next.
I will let you know what happens. Thank you for the help!

It does look like you could focus it a little bit better - I would twist the lens about 10 degrees, update the overlay, and repeat until the image is as crisp as it’s going to get.

I lowered the camera to the suggested 450mm but to center it to the bed I would have to have the door almost closed - I tried but could not get the whole bed into the image. So now I have it mounted at 640mm (bed (at proper focal distance to beam) to lens face) and I can see the whole bed properly.

The focus is still not very good. This is the best I can get while doing the alignment - maximum zoom.

And how it looks with the overlay -

and how it looks when I zoom in on the overlay -

not very clear. And after I do the alignment it is still off by 1-2 mm on both x and y axis on at least 3 of the marks. But maybe this is because of the bad focus? I have tweaked the focus on the lens by very small increments until I got the best I could. But I had really hoped it would be better than this. Not sure what todo about the alignment at this point. I have to give up for today - been at this for 10 hours just today and don’t feel I am any further ahead. Should I have got the 95mp camera? would that have made a difference? Thanks for all your help. Just feeling pretty frustrated.
Also - my numbers when doing the lens calibration are .09 to .23 at different parts of the bed. Even using the larger dots. Not horrible but I would have thought they would be more consistent. I have done this calibration so many times I will be doing it in my sleep I am sure.

The placement we can work ok, but this focus is actually very good - Remember, that marker is about 50mm across. You don’t need the picture to be “pretty” for it to be really accurate for work placement, so don’t get too hung up on that.

I would say check the lid on the laser and see how much it moves when it’s raised. If it has any flex or sway in it, that can cause misalignment with the camera - The camera is looking straight down - if the lid moves 1mm in either direction, the camera alignment will be off by that much, so check that.

Hey All, Hey OZ
Ive got a little question…
Ive just bought a 140/5MP cam for my 500x300 bed.
I just mount it on the laser door, at 644mm high

If i check the calculator, it says i was wrong a bought not the good cam, i should bought a 60 one.

So here the question, does the resolution would be better with a 60 then my 140 at the same place or it wont change absolutely nothing ?

Thanks for ur help !

The 60 or 90 would be significantly better. You’d fill more of the camera view with the bed image, giving the software more to work with for placement accuracy.

Arffff… OK maybe I can find only another lens on ebay instead of paying another 80 bucks?

Should I be able to turn the lens on my 8mp LB camera to focus it?

Yes - it’s manual focus.

I can’t get mine to turn. It’s like it’s glued in place.

Look at it from the side and you should see the threads. There might be a glue dot on the threads holding the lens in place, though we specifically have them leave that off. If you see one, it should be relatively easy to remove.

Hold the lens, and hold the sensor housing (the black square on the board that the lens screws into). Turn it counter-clockwise to be safe, in case you’re bottomed out in the threads. Sometimes they’re stiff and need a little force the first time.

Okay. So turn the threaded part?

Yes - The round sticky-outy bit is the lens, and that will have the threads on it.

This thing wont bunge.

That looks like the threads are full of glue, and they shouldn’t be. Do you have a 110 or a 95?

It came with my Aeon Nova14. I believe Danny said it was the 110.

Interesting - If he sourced them, they might’ve come with the glue dots on the threads, or they might’ve added them. You’re new to the thread - can you show the image from your camera when zoomed in? You haven’t actually showed an image or indicated why you think you need to focus it.

Will do. My images seem to be like the first ones shown here. I’ll grab a screen suit and attach it. Seems like I should be able to focus it a little more

Turn off the ‘Fade’ button in the camera panel - that will show a higher contrast image, which might help too.

I am having issues with my camera view not centering in the workspace. I bought The LB 8mp camera and mounted it 43.25 inches above the bed. I spent the better part of 20 hours getting the camera calibrated and getting the image to burn and calibrate. Many of the prompts are confusing at best or I cannot implement them because the options do not exist. Like setting to “absolute coordinates” which does not exist in my drop down. What I need help with now is the if I update the camera overlay it only shows part of the camera view. When I did the camera calibration I could only burn the target in the upper right corner (my origin) now the image in the camera is only part of my bed.
Any ideas on how to get it centered ?
Laser is Boss HP 3655. downloaded LB ver 0.9.09