I have a COMGROW Z1 and when I am using the Lightburn program the laser will move like it is engraving but is not engraving. The light is on but it is not engraving, Ive spent a number of hrs trying to figure it out and cant. Please help.
Congrats and welcome, glad you found Lightburn and this forum.
Is your $30 = S-Valuemax = 1000?
Yes it is .
I reset the speed and it worked, However I am trying to engrave a dog tag and it doesn’t engrave anything on it but engraves on wood not problem now, Any suggestions on oh I can engrave on a stainless steel dog tag??
What is the optical output power of your laser?
Sorry I am new where would I find this?
It’s usually marked on the laser head body.
Its not there, The only thing on the laser body is Danger and some other letters but its in Chinese
There is some stuff on the back of the control panel says Related power AC 100v-240v 50Hz-60Hz Engraving Range 400 400mm but that it
The Z1 has version with 5W 10W and 20W.
And a reference in the box to something like xxxxx mW output or xx W output?
Either way you have to do a material test for your specific dog tags.
You can do a mark with help of some sprays like Cermark, LaserBond, OMtech… all a bit expensive.
Yeah my son bought this for me back in Oct 2023 and he lost the box so I dont have much to on. But I am trying to figure out the Material Test and cant really understand what to do
Are you trying to engrave a dog tag with a coating on it or straight stainless?
I don’t think diode lasers are optimal for engraving stainless.
It is stainless and very shinny, Would it work if I out some painters tape on it or something?