Ortur laser, alarm 3 problem

Hello. I recently got my Ortur laser master 2.

It works fine when doing small engravings, but when i try to use almost The entire space to engrave a hylian shield from The zelda Nintendo game for my son it stops at different places in The g-code.

It can range from 30 minuts up to several hours before it gives away alarm 3. It does not even have to be near The boundarys to stop engraving.

I have disconnected everything from The same power socket. I have changed The usb cable. I have turned off usb energy saving in Windows because i thought that was The problem.

I cant figure this Out and im running Out of plywood.

Did The 180 trick now.

Make sure the cable is secure at both ends, and cannot move, and make sure there is nothing connected to the same plug that could be spiking the power or causing surges. These things are somewhat sensitive to power noise.

I can try a different outlet that uses a other fuse. I had The suctionfan on The same outlet before, moved that. I shall move The computer to a different outlet also.

But my problem is similar to this with The unlocked part in The g-code.

That just means the USB connection was lost, then re-established, and LightBurn tried to send a command (most likely homing), but that was rejected because the controller was still doing something. It confirms that the USB connection dropping is the issue, so it’s likely that the cable is loose, or there is electrical noise causing problems with the connection.

Ok. I Will try to ziptie it to The frame and se what happends. Thanks.

Changed outlet and 90 min into an etching without problems.

Im living outside The city and it might be when The water pump starts that The voltage gets to low. Sometimes The Light that uses The same fuse is flickering for a second when The pump starts.

Thanks for fast response! You got yourself a new customer

102 minutes in The same engraving it happend again. Its The USB that is The problem because The laptop made The lost connection sound.

Im using Windows 10. Is it The software or is there a bad connection on The motherboard of The Ortur? Any idea on how to find Out?

The USB cable that comes with the Ortur might not be very good. Check that the cable is not loose where it plugs into the laser or computer. Also check that the connections are clean, and that moving the cable around doesn’t give you the Windows disconnect sound.

You can also double check that your computer doesn’t have USB selective suspend or power-save enabled for the USB ports. That can be trouble as well. (read here: How to troubleshoot connection issues with USB )

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