Just got my Ortur LM2 a few days ago, and I’m having a bear of a time nailing this thing down. I’ve updated the firmware, and I’m able to make engravings in lasergrbl, but nothing in lightburn. Sometimes I can run the focus test, and it’ll burn a small image but it only takes half a second. Other times I’ve tried to engrave the word ‘test’ and the laser will fire but not engrave while still following the path set out for it. When doing the focus test I have ‘enable z axis’ checked on.
Here’s the console after it runs the focus test:
If the machine doesn’t have a Z there is no point in running the focus test. It draws a bunch of lines with the laser moved to different heights. It can only work if you have a Z axis.
I misunderstood the purpose of the focus test then. The ortur has a focus ring on it that definitely needs focusing and some lines burned in wood would have helped I think.
Do you know what is the best focal length for a 20w ortur laser master 2 ?
10mm ? 30 ? how do you measure this ? from the bottom of the radiator ?
I am trying to get the best focus possible because the default setting only provide a really long line focus, not a dot.
I read you have to get the material you want to engrave really close to the laser .