Hi All, relatively new to this laser engraver world, and looking for some help. I bought a Chinese cheapo with a Arduino Nano controller. Originally it was recommended to use with Benbox, which found did not work for me. So I flashed to GRBL 1.1f. I installed Lightburn as it looks to be good software and after a driver, got the two communicating. So here is present issue:
- will not home- maybe because no limit switches?
- Step sizes seem incorrect- Meaning i jog and it seems to move much farther than what is indicated.
I setup a basic circle to cut which was 35mm diameter. When i ran the job, It starting cutting what looks like 10 times that amount and soon ran into the rails.
I am assuming that the step sizes are not correct, but do not see a way of adjusting for that in light burn.
Do i need to create a custom GRBL firmware for my machine?
Any help and guidance would be appreciated.