Thanks for your Help OZ but this So this did not work for me, probably because I’m using mac OS Catalina version 10.15.7… but the following did so hopefully this might be helpful for any future mac/ top wisdom users.
Install FTDIUSBSerialDriverv 2.4.4 using the link below
(I rebooted trying to work out but you may not have to)
When you reboot will get a message saying something like pen drive may cause damage, move to bin, cancel/ ignore this)
try light burn.
if not successful Do as RevK says on
Going to System Preferences, Security and Privacy, it showed text “Some system software was blocked from loading”. However, this was subtle as the adjacent “Allow” button was not active. It was not immediately obvious but I had to “unlock” the window, and then I could click Allow, and select FTDI to allow the driver.
try light burn…
if not successful Install FTDIUSBSerialDriverv 2.4.4 again (no idea why this worked for me but it did)
Reboot again…
Again you will get a message saying something like pen drive may cause damage, move to bin, cancel/ ignore this)
light burn now worked for me. and even auto loaded/ recognised my cutter type and size
Thanks to James Medd for working this out for me