Using any USB Laser & Camera Wireless easily


I was not sure of where I should do this post, so I apologize if it is the wrong place.

So, I have searching a while for a way to make my Atomstack X30 Pro wireless including caméra used by Lightburn, and all the solutions I have found so far was absolutly non convenient.

  • FluidNC => complexe and no caméra
  • WebUI => Hugly, no camera and require to save file then upload
  • Others…

Well finally the solution was just to use a “Wireless USB Hub”, and this can be done really easily with a Raspberrypi 3 (does not require a more powerfull device).

The principle is really simple, a server, serve its own physical USB ports to a client via TCP/IP (so can work on LAN as WAN using NAT).

I have done this with my AtomStack XPro 30 and now I did not requiere anymore USB cable and can access the laser and its camera from any computer directl from Lightburn through Wifi.

This make Wifi module of the laser pretty useless (and also some other software solution).

If I am connected to my router, I am also connected to my laser and its camera and Lightburn can use them. And the camera FPS is pretty good :slight_smile: (IMHO, il would just require a re-design of the camera windows in Lighburn)

Last but not least, a single RaspberryPi can manage for at least two laser & two camera !

Here is the architecture & explanation :

On the raspberry Pi :

  • install usbip server sudo apt install usbip
  • launch demaon sudo /usr/sbin/usbipd -D
  • connect laser & camera to the raspberrypi
  • expose theirs USB on LAN
  • list available device and corresponding USB ID usbip list -l
  • expose laser USB usbip bind -b 1-1.5 (1-1.5 is the ID value returned by the previous command
  • expose camera USB usbip bind -b 1-1.3 (1-1.3 is the ID value returned by the previous command listening USB)

On Windows:

  • download usbip client release from GitHub - cezanne/usbip-win: USB/IP for Windows and extract the zip
  • follow instruction to install the test certificate (yes this is the only part a bit tricky)
  • from the unzipped folder connect to USB ports of the server :
  • usbip.exe attach -r -b 1-1.5 //One for laser
  • usbip.exe attach -r -b 1-1.3 //Second for camera
  • start Lighburn & enjoy :slight_smile:

[EDIT] obviously is my configuration, inded use your LAN raspberryPi IP and USB IDs… [/EDIT]

Full wireless laser & camera for less than 50€

I have made a brief description, please refer to references bellow for full & more information.

LAST note : I dont know why but the Windows program “Camera did not detect the camera on the virtual USB port”, but Lighburn do, so this is not a problem, just dont test with program “Camera” to check if it works use Lightburn instead.

References :

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Doing a bit more search there is a lot more active fork for windows client, that look a lot more advanced :

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