Cameras are back in stock

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I just purchased a 900 x 600 table. Which 4k table would be best recommended ?

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The one that captures the whole bed from the height you plan to mount it at. Without knowing that height, I can’t give you an answer.

After doing more reading I see this now. Its based on where you want to mount. My laser won’t be in until next week and I was just wanting to prepare. I’m estimating the 600mm bed would put the top of the door up at about 26 or so inches to the camera so I’m assuming the 8mp 95 degree would be a good option.

You’d have to go a bit higher to see the whole thing. The 8mp cameras on the site have a 16:9 aspect ratio image. Your laser is 3:2 aspect (13.5 : 9 if expressed in the same units).

What that means is if you do the calcs for just the width of your machine, you’ll cut off the top & bottom of the bed. If you stretch the width of your laser up to make it 16:9, you’d have a 1066 x 600 laser, and that’s what you do the math on. The 95 degree would need 712mm height, and the 110 degree would need 444mm.

So I’d be better off going with the 8mp 110 I assume. Would I lose much quality with this?

If you can mount it somewhere that it sees just more than the whole work area you’ll get the best precision, but it should still be quite good. With your machine, if the lid is sturdy and always opens to the same position, I’d assume you could get 1/2mm placement accuracy or close to it.

A post was split to a new topic: Camera accuracy with non-LightBurn camera

8MP cameras are in stock again. 5MP’s are still in transit / awaiting customs clearance.

Did you get extra cables for the 8mp? If so I would like one please

Yes, they’re on the site too. Here:

I got a 95° camera ordered for my Thunder Nova 35 is the extra cable needed or just a backup?

The camera comes with a cable, I ordered an extra “just in case”. I will most likely never need it but being a close friend to Mr Murphy and knowing how much his Laws impact me, I figured I just go ahead and get one :smile:

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I saw on the site it said the 8mp is better for larger size lasers. I have a dinky k40 200x300… would I get good clear results or is the 8mp too much overkill?

And according to the calculations of the 5mp, a 60° would be about sized, but seeing the suggestion you want to go bigger. So I was looking at 90°.

(I am looking to mount on the lid which is approximately 390mm above my bed.)

So is an 8mp overkill? If not would the 95° be suitable?

Or should I wait for the 5mp? And for best clarity would a 60 or 90 be best.
Thank you

The 8mp would be overkill, yes, but it would work fine. The 5mp-60 is the closest fit for where you plan to mount, assuming it’s directly overhead.


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Thanks for the info, my lid opens a little beyond 90° but I could make a bracket that locks it at 90.

Any idea when the 5mp 60° will be back in stock?
Thank you again.

Maybe this information will help you from another thread.

It’s a customs :customs: thing . Anything with government is a wild shoot guess.



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5MP cameras have arrived and are on the website.

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I’m really tempted, but I’m not sure this will be practical with my setup. Got any recommendations for when the machine is far away?

My laser is only 10-15 feet from the PC, but because of the way the shop is laid out the cabling distance is more like 80-100 feet. All of the cables, ducting, and air for the laser are run in a 20’ long bundle overhead to the vent duct and then out along the wall. For occasional use I could get away with running a long USB cable across the floor but it’s not ideal.

Really hoping for a supported Ethernet camera solution at some point. Or at least something like a Raspberry Pi bridge setup that could pipe the camera view out over the network.

Oh yes please.
That’s what keeps me from getting a camera is the thought of 80’ of USB cable, powered extenders, and all that nonsense.