Resize image and multiple images per row/columns

Is this penguin just for cut or can I also etch eye? Hank, I am not sure what our laser is but will give your wonky house a try on our scrap card stock out tomorrow. :slightly_smiling_face:

These are just shapes. :wink: The shapes are arranged in a way that your brain sees a penguin, but they are just a collection of shapes. You get to choose how and where these shapes produce laser output.

Any shape can be set to fill or follow the path of the shape, this is done by placing the shape on a layer and setting that to the cut mode for the layer as you choose. Bitmap images (pictures) are placed on their own Image layer with different options.

Because you are working with just shapes, the answer is almost always yes! They way, or process for getting the laser to produce what you intend is a matter of having the correct shape set to the correct layer setting. All this gets checked in the ‘Preview’ window prior to sending to the laser for production.

In the laser world, folks tend to interchange terms all the time, so it can be a bit confusing, pulling all these concepts together, but you are doing great. :slight_smile:

Did I ever share this Simple Project? This is a great little learning lesson, walking through many of the basic LightBurn features and processes. Really worth review: Your First Project - LightBurn Software Documentation

After that, have a read over this post, which covers how LightBurn decides what to fill based on the edges or boundaries of closed shapes. This should help specifically with the eye of the penguin question. :slight_smile:

Oooops, doing something wrong here. When I get to the point to preview steps, Text isn’t showing at all. I play around with Grouping/Ungrouping but no luck.

… does that mean the black Lucien in the preview window will not be engraved?

Okay, now when I click on the little blue circle in the letter “L” , it Preview/Play, it does the text. I click on the Outline and get the outside “Line”. Do I need to make two passes for each image?

No, if you have the right settings, mark it all (or just the one you want engraved and cut) and press start. You have already set the order correctly, first engraving then cutting and you have also put a mark in the output column.

You have “cut selected graphics” enabled, so only items you have selected get sent.
Is that what you want?


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Yikes, still another question. Thanks everyone, for all your help. My sister and I are now able to print in rows, columns, engrave, resize, group, ungroup and cut wood cutouts. I can print arrays of cats, but would like to cut a row of different animals in a single row; i.e., cat, dog, pig, horse…?
Test Image.lbrn (108.9 KB)

I may not be understanding what you are asking, exactly, but…

I would like cut different zoo animals in a single row? Below is a row of cats. I would like to cut a bear, giraffe, elephant, etc., all in a single row.

Please do not double post the same questions or requests. It makes us run around a bit more than should be required. Thank you. :wink:

Oh boy, didn’t realize I double posted. I still have trouble figuring out where I am when posting to forum. More confusing to me than the Lightburn software itself. But… you are “right on” in figuring out what I am trying to do! I open up the image of an animal. If I try to insert a different image next to it, it overrides the first image. I try copying and pasting an image next to the first image and it overrides it. I accidentally lined them up some time ago and have no idea what I did to accomplish this. Yes, there are stupid questions…

Oooooh, I figured out how to do it, stewed about it all night! I can’t believe I did it!

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