Should I throwaway my broken MiniPC with Windows 10 and switch over to Linux? [SOLVED]

Sweet enclosure! Most I’m looking at aren’t for the larger board.

Is it your design? Did you publish it somewhere?


only problem is we’re trying to work with what’s on the market for existing 3DP controller boards and coms is pretty poor. Ethernet is an option on some, almost all have USB but it’s not USB3. SPI with 100mm of ribbon cable seems to work and might work better with some grounding/shielding between sig lines. Most all boards have SPI. Just trying to work with what’s there and show that LinuxCNC can be a player at the low and middle end too.

I can post the SVGs (will do later today), but it’s easy to make the general box pattern if you go to:
This enclosure was under Boxes->ElectronicsBox Enter the dimensions you want and it will spit out an svg with all the pieces.
However, because every laser cuts a slightly different kerf, you should go to Parts and Samples->Burn Test to see what finger adjustment value to use. Then make the basic enclosure and you can fit the ‘insides’ (all the openings I have) into that.

Update: @Driversaurus Tried to upload SVG files in a ZIP file and was told, no can do… Sorry. Not sure how to upload these on this forum.

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Thanks, this helps clarify the scope of what you’re doing.

With SPI being completely synchronous, you can tweak the clock down to compensate for poor link quality. And, since all of the signals are unidirectional, you can use differential driver/receiver pairs to get very good signal quality over long distances as long as you’re willing to slow down the clock to compensate for the round trip delay (only critical if reading a slave).

A pair of LTC4332s will give you 10M at 2MHz over CAT5.

Yep. I’ve used that to do interesting things like my exhaust filter setup, which apparently I re-invented based on YouTube videos I found later. :slight_smile: I also made some interesting box-based Christmas gifts this year that I’m thinking about putting out on Etsy just to get things rolling out there.


in connection with your universal plausibility, all systems mac, pc wether running windows, ios, linux have the same vulnerability in trying to reset after such a power supply issue is that the capacitors hold enough of a charge in them to hold the initial problem. Thats why they advise not to open a PS, a jolt from the capacitors hurts like a b%^*&% lol. cycling the power switch drains the capacitors allowing for a reset. May never happen again.

My bad! Got distracted and it slipped my mind. @Driversaurus Do you still want these?

@TomWS So I built up a simple inline header, soldered all pins together and used on a 10 wire ribbon cable with a short jumper from this inline-header to ground. I did this on each end of a 200mm ribbon and it worked fine. The developer of this spiPRU/Remora did the same to a 600mm ribbon and also said it worked fine. He had originally had 100mm of ribbon, no transmission line considerations and he had to declock the SPI bus. So SPI is working great so far.

So, does this mean that every other wire in the ribbon is ground with signals in between?

If you’re only doing Master Writes you can probably go a pretty long distance. The problem is reading data from the slave. In this case propagation delays will shift the incoming data with respect to the clock at the Master.

However, the fact that its doing what you want is the important thing! :wink:

As an aside, I’ve shelved my Atomic Pi project. The Mini PC is working, now that I’ve disabled the auto power on, and I had too many things not quite right on the ATPi. I’ll PM the list to you if you’re interested, it’s nothing major, just a bunch of ‘oh, didn’t see that coming’… kind of things.

Yes it’s getting data back from destination device( hotend/bed temps, endstops, etc ) but as you said, it’s working so far so good.

I’d be interested in seeing your list of issues you’ve run into. I’d not integrated the ATPi into my workflow as I have a laptop already at my machine but I’m soon to be replacing all control interfaces wtih LinuxCNC so seeing what you were attempting might give me hints on ways to improve my setup.

Well, with the fantastic help from @DougL I have been able to replace the MiniPC with an AtomicPi and will, therefore, declare this topic complete and ‘solved’.
You might want to check out the thread:

It describes the AtomicPi and it wouldn’t surprise me if Doug posts his recipe for setting it up to run LightBurn there.


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