Auto find device

I read that the Lightburn software cant auto dect snapmaker a350

You need to add manually correct

That looks like the state of the art - currently.

This may help:

Not familiar with MAC just PC/Windows, but you need to set your COM port number and baud rate in Lightburn to match the port number and speed on your mac. this link might help:

still having problems

LightBurn Bridge only works with Ruida controllers. I believe the only available interface for Snapmaker is USB.

how do i change the ip address on my snap-maker to be the same as the light-burn bridge

I’m not following what you’re trying to do. LightBurn Bridge does not work with Snapmaker. Are you attempting something else?

i have that set up but still wont find my laser

The LightBurn Bridge is a pre-configured Raspberry Pi that connects a Ruida controller to your WIFI network. Simple to set up, fast, and robust, with transfer speeds equal or faster than USB.

Intended for Mac users to overcome issues with USB connectivity, but works equally well for Windows or Linux users.

I’m sorry but I’m not able to help you as I’m completely unable to follow your model of communication. Your statements don’t seem to acknowledge my previous posts or otherwise counter with additional details.

If you’d like to reset I suggest you elaborate on your problem statement and explain the complication that’s preventing you from accomplishing your goal.

ok i will reset

I have a snapmkaer A 350 i bought the lighburn bridge so i can connect he light-burn software to the snapmaker via usb cable

I’ve articulated a couple of times that the LightBurn Bridge will not with work Snapmaker. It only works with Ruida controllers… you yourself state that in your post above that seems like a quotation without context.

Are you challenging the notion that it should work with your laser or was I just not clear enough?

If you want to connect the Snapmaker with LightBurn you will need to connect the Snapmaker directly to your computer with USB.

so why do lightburn sell the bridge for if it wont connect to the snapamaker
i have connected it with usb but light-burn still wont recognise it

They do not sell the LightBurn Bridge for use with non-Ruida controllers.

I’ve added emphasis to what you posted. If you’re not familiar, Ruida is a specific maker of DSP based laser controllers. The Bridge was specifically designed to ease connectivity to Ruida controllers and was prompted by issues with connectivity from Mac computers.

Are you able to connect to the Snapmaker with native software? If not, you may need to install a driver.

Confirm that you can see the device connected through System Report → Hardware → USB.

Please understand i am new to all this so the snapmaker doesn’t have a Ruida controller

I’m reading this as a question. No, it does not. Which is why I’ve been so emphatic in explaining that the Bridge does not work with Snapmaker.

Are you able to check your System Report or confirm connectivity with native software?

Can you run this in a Terminal:

ls /dev/*usb*