As a workaround I disabled the homing cycle to prevent damage to the LM3LE, but its a huge problem not being able to home. I’ve tried to find a cause-and-effect to the problem but can’t find one. The machine has periods of working, then periods of not working. Otherpeoplearehavingthis issue too. I’ve contacted ORTUR and will add their feedback when they give it.
Cross posted here. Firmware is version 209 (most recent).
The last three links in the second paragraph of the original post are links to videos of the three kinds of homing cycles I am seeing (working, error, and noisy ramming). The x axis belt seemed loose to me but I don’t see how to tension it.
Here are two photos of the pattern that you sent me.
And here is a link to a video of me plucking the y axis belt. At a previous job we used the frequency of the vibration of belts to determine their tension so… maybe that’s helpful?
The patterns are spot on.
So i am assuming what is happening on the homing is intermitente.
But not related per se on belt tension.
Try $RST=* in console to reset all to defaults
And to know if they have any newer firmware
Seems to me though it might be more firmware side than mechanical
After tightening the X axis the device homes correctly without making a loud clicking noise. Video for X axis tightening. I suspect the belts should be tightened until each side of the belt makes a low-pitched humm instead of “flop”-ing when plucked. Thank you @gilaraujo for your help.
The X axis belt on my machine is as tight as the screw will allow, but is still loose. I’m lucky the machine functions despite this. For people who can’t tighten the Y axis enough, playing with the pictured values might save you? Its scary the machine’s “limit switches” can malfunction like this.